DoesQueen Lizzie Whip or Nay Nay?
DoesQueen Lizzie Whip or Nay Nay?
Dude you do not know what you are missing!
It is no skin off your nose if he applied to one million schools. Gawd what a dumb comment
I think he meant that he and Sr ARE big dicks
The point is simple. This strategy is insane. At this rate he will wear out his pitchers really early in the season.
Dude apparently doesn’t understand the concept of probation. You are a probationary employee. Keep yer Goddam mouth shut!
In all fairness,I suspect Colin Kaepernick thinks it’s a bad idea to slaughter two people on the doorstep of his former home.
In all fairness,I suspect Colin Kaepernick thinks it’s a bad idea to slaughter two people on the doorstep of his former home.
Grits? Blechh. I’d rather eat sand!
How come every time she sings that song my London London abridge wanna go up?
LeBron James is a successful producer, an entrepreneur and a once in a century Basketball player. Laura Ingraham makes her living flapping her gums. That’s it moving her lips.
Stephens is practicing lazy journalism. Yesterday he tweeted that if Allen was guilty the judge presiding over the case could have found Allen guilty. The only problem is that this wasn’t a criminal case and Allen was not being tried on his guilt or innocence. The Judge did find that the allegations were credible.
Fly eagles fan fly
He’s not racist, that he can tell you.
Good Night Mr Jackson!
I am shaking my head. If Gruden gives up that gig, he is a bigger dope then Al Davis was
Having worked in a jail, usually the first 72 hours are the most dangerous. But the other problem is jails are just not really constructed toward individual care.
I’m more shocked that he didn’t pick it up. Look at her! For Gods sake she looks like she’s been using for a while.
I’m not so taken with this thing of equality among force users for one reason. There always was equality among force users. People tend to forget, the Skywalker’s existed only to bring the force into balance.