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    Kevin Hart is a 5 foot-nothing, unattractive, Black leprechaun. He is now super rich and famous and has basically won the p*ssy lottery. He is in a dream position right now. Why the f*ck was he stupid enough to get married again?

    Amy is mildly funny. She’s like pancakes - you love them at first, but halfway through the meal, you’re sort of sick of them.

    I don’t normally condone violence, but this was priceless.

    Please make your headlines fit the content. This was another misleading and false headline. There was no heated exchange. There was just a plain, boring statement of what happened with no real solution.

    That’s just what we need, more young white folks playing “racist dress up”. They need a new fad. Somebody bring back planking or flash mobs.

    Panama Jackson, you said it perfectly!

    I’m confused. So, who said anything about replacing anybody? I don’t get it. That unjustified defensiveness is looking sort of like paranoia. Only an oppressive mentality thinks that the equality of others means a loss for them. What does anybody lose by treating everyone fairly? People of Color (POC) simply want to

    The movie should’ve been better. It was a “Cliffs Notes” version of an outline of the books. The movie needed to be at least another hour longer in order to expand the story into something more coherent and enjoyable. The race of the Gunslinger didn’t matter. Gunslingers were magical, mythical knights and Idris’

    There is nothing smart or intelligent about the concept of this show. The whole premise sounds like a white supremacist’s dream. How about making a series that shows what America would’ve been like if the Native Americans and Mexicans had kicked the Europeans’ asses when they first tried to invade America?

    The devil is in the details - I love the name and your comment about Ben Carson. I laughed so hard that I forgot my comment. Good one!

    The Crooked Cop got caught setting up a Black man. I guarantee that the Black man would’ve been pulled over and arrested for something that the cop planted in his car if he had not been caught in the act.

    I hate when punk cops decide to pick a random Black person just to take out their frustration. They knew that she wasn’t the suspect - she was just “convenient”. I’m sure the young lady did absolutely nothing wrong. I think that we’ve all seen how the cops with the K9's are always itching to let their dogs bite Black

    A defensive, racist, loud, over-talking con-man. Now that the spotlight is on him, his lies will be uncovered and his downward spiral will begin...

    Macron’s comments didn’t sound racist to me. It sounded like he was stating facts.

    These are two worthless pieces of human trash.

    Let’s sue Trump for any Black person who is killed by a white person because Trump has created a racially volatile atmosphere in America. #Blame Trump Yes, this makes as much sense as suing BLM for a Black nutjob who killed cops.

    It’s like asking an arsonist to hire a new Firefighter Chief.

    I wonder which right-wing millionaire Trump will appoint for the U.S. Office of Government Ethics. It’ll probably go to the highest bidder or to someone he wants to work with after he is out of the White House.

    AN OFF-DUTY COP IS JUST A REGULAR PERSON - no special rules apply. I have no idea why people think “off-duty cop” means something. He has no more rights than anybody else.

    Hey, if anybody wants to change their skin color, fine. Do what makes you happy. It has nothing to do with me. I don’t understand why folks get so upset about other people altering their appearance to satisfy their internal needs and desires. If you are offended, are you personally affected by these people? Yeah, I