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    You can actually EAT candy corn?! I thought that they were just little plastic Halloween decorations.

    I’ve always liked Clapton’s music - I have some of his songs on my MP3 player right now. I was surprised to hear that Clapton was a straight-out racist back when he made that music. It seems that he is no longer the hateful racist that he was, but that information does taint those songs for me. In this information age

    Karma is finally coming around for that sellout.

    The #1 ploy that cops use is to say that you were not cooperating, resisting or obstructing - that is their “go to” move. Even if you had no real charge when they stopped you, they have now manipulated you into the resisting charge. It’s called “creating a case’ when they need to get their arrest rates up.

    I got that same speech when I was a teenager. Now that I’m much older and I know the game, I will never call a cop “sir”, I will always ask why I was stopped, I might ask for a supervisor if I deem it necessary, and my phone will be recording the entire incident.

    Cops are supposed to tell you why they stopped you - especially after you asked.

    Zimmerman is still alive?!

    I’m with you on most of your examples, especially Lena and Amy. I think that JLAw and maybe ScarJo might be able to break through the mediocrity. Oh, and thanks for not wasting more space on Taylor Swift.


    More white jealousy...

    In all honesty, nobody really cares all that much for the American flag. Yeah, it’s the symbol of the country, but come on, it’s just a freakin’ flag - cloth and thread. People, mostly American white people, have all-of-a-sudden made the flag into some super-holy thing that should be worshipped. Right... America is a

    This idiot STILL doesn’t know what his job entails.

    I’m still trying to figure out how one can be extreme about identifying as Black. The government is just trying to come up with a label for Black folks who are pissed-off with their unfair treatment. Let’s just say that this applies to almost every Black person in America, so the government can just drop their little

    This is more proof that Trump is socially ignorant. He should be comforting the people and assuring them that he understands their pain and will do everything possible to get them back on their feet. Instead, the DOTARD throws paper towels into the crowd like he’s a throwing t-shirts to the audience at a football

    I heard that person on the Today Show say that too. I was immediately pissed at how they continue to negatively throw the kneeling thing into every conversation. It’s just like when the Republicans started calling the Affordable Care Act “ObamaCare”. They called it that to make it a negative thing to all of the people

    She is just another stupid and careless person who obviously paid no attention to the details of the last election. After reading her statements about Trump, I’m wondering if her IQ is in the double-digits.

    I had to stop the video after 47 seconds. This poor guy had the orange kool-aid and then had a second helping. He doesn’t understand what is going on and it seems like he doesn’t care to learn. Much like most of white America.

    It’s like watching a 2-year old make up his own world because he can’t figure out how things really work.

    It’s just nature & hormones. The young fellas can’t help it.

    Kevin Hart is a 5 foot-nothing, unattractive, Black leprechaun. He is now super rich and famous and has basically won the p*ssy lottery. He is in a dream position right now. Why the f*ck was he stupid enough to get married again?