So did the majority of American voters, but then the Electoral College failed to fulfill its only purpose — to ensure that voters can’t even accidentally put an incompetent demagogue in the White House.
So did the majority of American voters, but then the Electoral College failed to fulfill its only purpose — to ensure that voters can’t even accidentally put an incompetent demagogue in the White House.
Yeah, I knew what I was getting. That’s why I voted against the sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, incestual, paranoid, idiotic, treasonous, poorphobic, greedy, eduphobic, evil, climate denying shit pile.
I really miss Obama and how much dignity and grace he and Michelle had when they were insulted. Frankly, they had some horrific and awful things said about them.
Why yes, I ABSOLUTELY can believe that. Next question?
She weighs 100lbs. How much do you weigh and how much can you lift? Pound for pound it’s highly likely she’s stronger than you.
“Hetha Connah. Come vith me if you vant to....lift.”
The resistance crowd started the normalization of political violence? Uh fuck you and where were you during a year and a half of Trump’s rallies, where people were getting brutalized and he promised to pay their legal fees for their thuggery? Do you really expect the left not to respond to the violence that Nazis…
Some of my happiest childhood memories are of playing with rusted out auto parts in an empty field across from my BFFs house. Zero adult supervision, sharp rusty objects, and even, one time, a cache of old playboy magazines that we studied with Talmudic attention. Keep the marsh open.
This tip doesn’t work for budget travelers, esp. since there is a very big chance you’ll overpay or purchase something you may not want to ultimately keep, out of desperation. Also - for anyone who has trouble finding clothes that fit well, if at all, this is not always a viable option. For example - if you are medium…
Guess you could say his rescuing skills are en pointe.
You get out of here with your proven science!!
This is not very metal at all, Glenn Danzig.
Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
You don’t even threaten to expel kids for that, let alone threaten to have them arrested.
They don’t have even 1/10 of a flea shit to give for our veterans, and that include Mr. Maverick John McShutTheFuckUpAboutBuckingThePartyWhenYouVoteWithThem100%OfTheTimeAnyway
Every other animal on the planet is better than the human race.
The fact that this book and this article can obsess so much over ‘marriage’ instead of the actual relationship (or use marriage as if it means the same thing as a relationship) tells me we have a long way to go until people approach relationships in a healthier way.
This is why it infuriates me that pro-Trumpers are calling these graduates ‘children having a temper tantrum’ and ‘children who don’t know how to be respectful.’ No, assholes. They’re educated adults with integrity and values, and they spent tens of thousands of dollars and/or worked extremely hard for scholarships to…