except it isn’t feedback if the people creating that feedback haven’t bought the game yet.
except it isn’t feedback if the people creating that feedback haven’t bought the game yet.
inb4 triggering someone
Wrong. Dead or alive
Why not just get rid of reviews all together and focus on your strenghts... click baiting.
Oculus created and killed VR before releasing their first product. Nice...
I feel some kind of Deja Vu
Welcome to reality...
You missed Social Justice whining: the game.
This reafirms your lack of faith in humanity? What about millions of children starving or dying from curable diseases? How about the children that are maimed or die in wars, which for the most part, the united states is involved? Stop whining about your first world problems, this is peanuts compared to the real evils…
Why would that shatter his belief in santa, you know that Santa works exclusively in wood, right?
super models are not perfect for fashion studios.
It must really suck seeing how people are enjoying themselves while you are sad and miserable.