They won’t be awarded any prestige until they compete on equal grounds with men. You can’t just give prestige away.
They won’t be awarded any prestige until they compete on equal grounds with men. You can’t just give prestige away.
Why is there even a league for females? Playing videogames is not a physical sport, men and women should be competing on the same events.
How about the next photoshop contest has something about being unemployed or looking for a new job?
I`m not stupid enough to pay for the same game two times. So no, I did not.
Red will be forever alone...
I was also hoping that.
Working for gawker is for idiots. Look! I can gawker too.
Is it a quest when it has already been done...
I wish I had his problem. I would be happy that people are paying attention and are interested in his game. I see that as a wasted opportunity and I bet he will regret it on his next project when he receives no interest at all.
Keep it cringy
Why vote for hillary when you can vote for Bernie.
So it is bad when Mika does it but ok when Ryu does?
What is that?
Why should we care, unless it gives him, her, whatever an unfair advantage on the game we shouldn’t even have to know.
Buying this game would mean I am supporting the self censoring stand from nintendo, so I won’t do it. I have enjoyed this franchise for a long time, but I can’t stand it when nintendo gives in to the demands of a vocal minority that probably haven’t evene been long term fans of the series.