This car looks cool in the picture, but I doubt you’d actually want to own one as a “fun car”. From that age it’s probably a toss up whether the car wheezes more from the engine or the rust holes in the body
This car looks cool in the picture, but I doubt you’d actually want to own one as a “fun car”. From that age it’s probably a toss up whether the car wheezes more from the engine or the rust holes in the body.
This car looks cool in the picture, but I doubt you’d actually want to own one as a “fun car”. From that age it’s probably a toss up whether the car wheezes more from the engine or the rust holes in the body.
A Muslim who “has to be special” during Ramadan:
“Hey, wanna go get lunch?”
“No thanks, I’m fasting”.
“OK, see ya later.”
I like it. It makes sense. Most people are speeding to get somewhere, so the punishment fits the crime. Some people will risk it because a fine isn’t a big deal for them. But a direct consequence for hurrying? Tasty.
I totally understand, because his whiskey is absolute shit.
I do not like Booker’s stance on education. He has had some high money interests backing him, and his views. I see a lot of privatization of education in his language/ideas, and I don’t like it. I think high quality public education is what will level the playing field- and it already needs help. Creating…
They’d really call it that when the Sherman flails were used to clear trenches. It was recorded several times, a tank would roll down the trench with its chains spinning. Hell of a way to go.
I don’t like how it’s become such a hot button, divisive issue that people go out of their way to “expose” people for a difference of opinion. People have lost jobs for having an opinion that is not 100% pro Israel; not destruction of, not war with, just ‘I think they’ve done stuff wrong’.
My take: Neither side is…
In 2019, this is what people are worried about.
A new album...that people shouldn’t listen to because of his blatantly homophobic past. Add him to the #MuteRKelly list, along with Chris Brown.
Is that a friend, or the storyline of a country song?
Man, if I could tell my experiences of off-the charts students, disinterested parents, and well-meaning liberal but ultimately harmful staff and administration...
This is all working in his favor, anyways.
He complained about federal employees, and now they are shut down.
His dumb ass fan base will think he’s tough, and at the same time, he’s stopped the bureaucracy he believes is his enemy from working.
I bet he wouldn’t give a shit if some of those organizations didn’t get a…
Portland mayor says this is a “catalyst for necessary changes”.
I wouldn’t hold my breath for change in Portland.
76.1% white, 6.3% black, and a history of discrimination and gentrification.
It’s almost as if women receive a higher rate of criticism and threats in a male dominated subject.
I wonder what Kotaku’s emails look like.
I used the coin machine and they asked for to cash it out. Then they asked my social security number. I told them no, that is not necessary for a literal cash to cash transaction at a bank I have an account at and have presented a state ID. They kept trying, then the manager showed the teller how to copy and paste it…
I know the feeling. We wanted to drive from San Diego to Seattle and I knew it had to be a Mustang. No other vehicle is more iconic for a West coast oceanside drive.
It felt solid, handled well, and had great acceleration for a rental. I don’t think we would have had as visceral an experience without that Mustang…