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    don't worry,I'm not going to do the bar exam so it's not court stuff. South Africa doesn't have much in aviation so it's mostly setting up contracts,lost baggage insurance claims,giving OR Tambo Airport a pinch on the hand for having not enough air traffic controllers,getting bribed,it's South Africa,we're too busy

    On the topic of pilots,I have an article about top 3 "almost" crash landings by pilots. I am an aviation fan myself,starting to do my law degree next year hoping to become an Aviation Lawyer actually. Any possibility of getting posting rights ?

    Somebody kidnap me and take me to a land of airshows ! This is the only thing that happened near me at an airshow that was news worthy,there wasn't even pictures of the airshow ... Airshow Crash South Africa

    I'm not personally a fan of Airbus,seeing they prefer to give the computers more control than the pilots. The biggest reason being computers fail. An example is (ironically) the Boeing 737-800's altimeter which sometimes fails at the captains side,causing the airplane to go into flair mode (nose up while descending)