$10? Yeah right. Jetblue already charges as much as $50 extra for their "even more legroom" seats or to sit in the emergency exit row.
$10? Yeah right. Jetblue already charges as much as $50 extra for their "even more legroom" seats or to sit in the emergency exit row.
I hope this shows up on Shark Tank next season.
Completely boggles my mind why they keep making 15" laptops with 13" resolution. For the love of god, will somebody please make an ultrabook with a FullHD screen already?!
Um, 57.3% of Facebook is worth a lot more than $1BN. More like $50BN.
The only reason to pay this much for art is because you think there's a bigger, richer idiot in the future willing to pay more.
I played with a Lumia 900 last week in an ATT store. Wish I could have taken it home with me and connected it to my Verizon account. But maybe I didn't spend enough time with it to experience it's faults. But after five minutes, I was sold.
The point is that they're fundamentally the same car. I actually think the Cruze looks pretty good and drives well enough. It's roomier than the Volt. There's allegedly going to be a 200 hp model next year, too, and it's still going to get 40 mpg.
see what?
He seemed most upset by the wording on the shirt which he perceived to be dehumanizing, or something. He didn't interview any of the homeless people or air any of the many, many, many interviews others have made which show the homeless people very happy to be making some money and for the national media attention…
I think Apple messed up here. I've just played with my friend's iPad 3 (or whatever the fuck it's called) and don't see any reason to upgrade from my iPad 2. However I would have definitely considered upgrading if they offered the iPad 2 with the new iPad's improved battery. I use my Droid Bionic as a hotspot and have…
I think the real problem is that you have to drive a Volt for about 12 years before you make back in gas savings the price difference from the Cruze.
The CPU is unchanged. The graphics chip is better, allegedly.
i thought indy became immortal when he drank the jesus juice in last crusade. maybe that explains it
i thought indy became immortal when he drank the jesus juice in last crusade. maybe that explains it