Interesting, but let’s not make the perfect the enemy of the good. If your baby is growing and your sanity is intact, you’re doing it right.
Interesting, but let’s not make the perfect the enemy of the good. If your baby is growing and your sanity is intact, you’re doing it right.
Other way around. She’s English and fucked up Americanisms massively.
She’s so rich, and her writing is so bad.
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This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.
I’m willing to bet that she weighs the same as a duck
Yet somehow necessary.
Dorinda is calling Melania a stripper which obviously isn’t true because you know that woman has no rhythm.
She’s not be literal. Drogo isn’t going to return. Drogo “returning”is Dany joining him in death. All the other things have come true. Once she has a living child she’ll die and return to Drogo.
I would put “you’ve really got a hold on me “in the same category.
Was about to comment the same thing. Having lived in France, been married in France and worked in French companies for even longer, I can tell you most of French humor is about “taking the piss out of” people. Sorry to use a British-ism, but it just doesn’t translate to American. It’s the teasing you give your best…
One of the worst things about fall, besides everything, is that it’s clown hoax season. Without fail, as soon as the…
Not only did I not know who any of these people were, but I had to Urban Dictionary “boothang” before I figured out that you had smushed together “boo thang” and not “boot hang.” I am not with it.
For the record when people say “New York Values” they mean white and black and brown people living next door to each other. Gays freely walking the streets and going to bars to enjoy themselves. Muslims, jews, christians, atheists, all shopping, dining, etc together. Everyone living the lives they want without trying…
It’s also a pretty ingenious way of getting me to go to Deadspin, a website I would never otherwise give a shit about. I am sure I’m not the only one in this boat.
I know some people are going to brush this away, but I cannot tell you how harmful these ads are, how pervasive and how damaging. Being Afro-Brazilian on one side & Indian on the other, I see this shit in both my cultures, and with a lot of my female friend and family circle and I still, at 45 years old, I still can’t…