Accidental Homophone

"Hey, GOB, I see Gilligan is here, along with all these… hot.. cops."

Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb!

Oh, Eureka. The final straw in the pick-up stick game of SyFy's original, good programming.

I would watch that in the midst of an apocalypse.

And pay attention to actual good shows.

You weren't. My whole family groaned when she was saved.

Just so beautiful. Indescribable.

But I REALLY love the darkest timeline. If only everyone wore those glorious felt mustache/goatees.

Where did you get this ringtone? I need it.

Mine too. I may have gone a little crazy afterwards, but I made it through a better person.

Or the piece of toast after it falls butter-side down, @avclub-b476828992f393a09339cf6270d30aa8:disqus

The writers are seeing how far they can push us. No longer!

I actually think that Juliet has potential, but the position she's in wastes it. Though I totally agree that there doesn't seem to be any advantage to being a Grimm.

Or just no "What's on Tonight?" at all, since all of the writers will be in an anticipation coma.

Looks like that horse's winning streak was…

I feel like they field was pretty close, because in the preview for next week, they're within running distance.

Or Kaori.

Nice Flight of the Concords reference/paraphrasing!

And yet, alas,
there is nothing to be done now.
What would a mutiny accomplish besides a change in leadership?
Dale is gone,
his body an empty shell of the man he was,
and though none will miss his eyebrows and eyes,
we will all miss the joy his shirts brought us.

PLEASE. And he could star in it, and Jemaine could be in it…