Lethal Peanut

John was tortured for just under eleven years in a remote, damp jungle hut that didn’t even have a goddamned toylit. They started with the big questions, things concerning command and control. They got nothing until they asked for petty information that didn’t matter. That’s when they got the names of the Packers’

Before anyone says it: NO, Chicago does not need a similar bill.

Meg McCain is not racist.  And that was not English.

John McCain was a POW in Vietnam for ten years where he was tortured every moment of every day. He was allowed no food, no water. He survived on flies he caught with his tongue, and raindrops that leaked through the bamboo roof of his torture hut. He was asked the names of his fellow soldiers. He gave the names of the

Meghan McCain has not benefited from white privilege. Her father was a war hero and a respected member of our government. He built this country and deserves everything he received in return, including his right to pass along his earnings and influence to his lovely daughter.

So enlightened.

Trump Russia America so bad is soooo bad Trump is soooo bad. These birds are that!

I’ll never forget the first time I met Stephen Miller. I was having a normal weeknight, supper for one at Le Diplomate and reading Che Guervera’s personal, unpublished journals and who do I spy but a lanky baldhead of about fifty years age that I knew I recognised. I knew I recognised him but couldn’t place it. And a

This is how you lose voters, fyi.  Guarantee Trump campaigns on this.  

Ignore that cgo guy. CGO probably stands for childish guy online or something. On Monday he was retweeting all my posts. Now he’s doing this. His world gets turned upside down every week.

Are you talking about Trump’s Collusion with Russia?  Because that definately happened.  Trump was groomed to be a KGB asset sense the 80s and his theft of the presidency was the ultimate goal.  I can’t believe they got away with it!

January 20th, 2021:  President Biden, all smiles, is sworn in.  He shakes former president Trump’s hand before the cuffs go on.  He steps closer to Ivanka.  And then closer still.  He lifts her hair off her neck and smells it while looking at Trump, drops it, and walks over to Barron... to be continued

Totes.  Worked our really well when Harry Reid used the nuclear option to get us Beer Kavanaugh.  Savvy plan.  Nice.

Harry Reid did this with the nuclear option and it worked out pretty well. 

“a tougher direction”

Please for the love of God make this happen.  

He probably uses a baby keyboard meant for little tiny babies.

Then know this.  I will never - never - stop trying to be friends with you all.  And I think we’re getting close.  Typing that just brought a smile to my face.  Thank you. 

What a thoughtful greeting. Good morning to you too, in addition - happy Friday. Wonderful.

Net effect of that pic is increased interest.