
Apparently, there are a lot of zombies on staff - if the live blog’s anything to go by. Yeah, I know, I’ve doomed myself to living forever in grey.

There is another way.

This can be settled one way- Thunderdome. Two Jonases enter, one Jonas leaves.

How about: Grow the fuck up, take your participation trophy and go the fuck home. I supported him, children. AND if you IN FACT actually DO support his position, run for local office and change things starting AT home. VOTE in the damn midterms. Show up and put up, but for now? SHUT UP.

Agreed on all counts. I was a Bernie supporter but #ImWithHerNow

Yeee hee hee hee heeeeeee, yessss, my pretties!!

57, and holy shit this makes me so fucking happy. As the post states, there simply is no perfect candidate and she beats the hell out of almost all the other options we’ve had.

I am!


I cried at almost every vote. I’m dehydrated

I happened to catch South Dakota while I was walking down the hallway at work, and saw the bit in Lakota, that was pretty cool, too.

I fully admit it and don’t give a shit. Crying.

I am so ready.

With Kasich and Portman and Chabot, it can be hard to be proud of being an Ohioan, but then I remember Sherrod and Marcia Fudge and all the wonderful people in my county’s Democrat organization and I feel a little better.

So excited to see that our new matriarch is punching boners in the greys already! YASSS KWEEEN SLAY THEIR ERECTIONSSSS

I’m excited, I don’t care what the haters say. I never thought in my life time I’d 1) see a black president 2) hopefully see a woman president. I’m stoked because that woman had to be made of motherfucking steal to deal with all the bullshit she’s had to deal with, and whether you call her shillary or Hillary she’s

When I was six years old, my mom showed me Geraldine Ferraro on TV and explained why it was so important that a woman had been nominated as Vice President. I grew up believing a woman would be president one day. And now that day is imminent, and I could not be prouder to be an American right now.

Have to admit I teared up when the woman from the South Dakota delegation said “the first president to be called Madame President” while casting the decisive votes.

Omg guys, this roll call! So much love! As a resident of ohio, i teared up when Obergefell spoke on behalf of the OH delegation.