
I hope they burn that school to the ground and salt the ashes (litigationly speaking). fuck all of them.


As the prophecy foretold.

I’m in public and it just took every ounce of my willpower not to scream NO like this and throw my phone when I read the headline.

What you meant is that this particular woman choosing to have this particular abortion is not worthy of judgment, and that you reserve the right to judge other women for having other abortions, so I think “fuck off you fucking fuck” might have been more appropriate.

You are basically asking her to title this “I was legitmately raped.” You want the headline to assure the reader that this was an acceptable abortion, not one of those bad abortions by bad people. Your judgement is one of the problems we are having around abortion.

PLEASE fuck off

you don’t get to make a woman’s choice about her own body

This feeds the incredibly damaging narrative of “Good abortions vs. Bad abortions.” The whole point is that women should be allowed to access health care without having to prove they deserve it. The headlines isn’t click bait but it raises an interesting question : who are you to decide her decision oy to remain

I was horrified by the title and then immediately realized it was misleading.

Yes @SusanSarandon, you’re definitely someone who’d be directly affected should Trump be elected President per your nihilistic “burn it all down” thoughts.

One of the most aggavating things about this election has been watching certain idiot BernieBros insist that Hillary is “basically a Republican” because she voted for the Iraq War.

Now playing

I usually spend the entire flight coming to terms with my inevitable passing. I understand take-offs and landings are most difficult for the pilots. Taking off is the hardest part for me. It’s unreal.

Sadly, no. It really isn’t about us. It’s about the three American gun manufacturers exploring a loophole/Iron Triangle that has accidentally appeared/persisted in our legal/political system. The gun manufacturers want to keep making money and living high on the hog. They pay to support the NRA, which has a relatively

Sorry but I just need to vent. If I see one more news story on this where they neglect to mention that this attack was directed at a Gay Nightclub, I might scream. So many news shows are clearly avoiding the fact that it was directed at the LGTQI community and is a hate crime. They keep saying “Nightclub” and that’s

My 14-year-old daughter was a big fan, and is really upset about this. We’re having some fairly deep conversations about gun control, misogyny and rape culture this morning, and it’s breaking my heart to watch as the reality of these issues becomes clear to her.

I mean, it definitely doesn’t necessarily mean that. Restructuring bankruptcy can mean a lot of things. We don’t yet know what.

Or we could divorce the funding of schools from the property values of where they are located. It makes no sense that School A, enrollment 100 students, receives more money than School B, enrollment 100, just because they happen to be 15 miles (or less) away from each other. Ashleigh and Carolyyn and Aiden aren't more

I don’t want someone to spit their coffee out, but this is literally how I read it: