
Updating further: one of the men named in association with the report is now dead. Huh.

Whenever something doesn’t get enough male watchers, they’ll can it.

I think that, if she’d shown a chance of winning, they would have bailed in a second. Yes.


No one is “red baiting,” little fool. I’m discussing misogyny, not communism. Don’t like what I’m saying? Time for some introspection. 

I would love to believe that, but I’m 100% certain that, if she got close, they’d manufacture something, just like they did with Clinton, just like they do with anyone that isn’t one of their choices.

It’s easy to flock to a woman when you know she’s not really going to win. Makes for an excellent get out of sexism jail free card. If she’d begun to look like she might win, alt left would have dumped her immediately.

That’s too bad. It was a great show. But, of course, it was starring bunch of women from their own point of view. So, they killed it.

shhh! If you announce this too soon, the alt left will come up with a reason she’s not pure enough. I mean, for starters, she has a vagina. They will find a reason.

Alt left will never vote for a woman. I believe that’s been established fully now. Progressives will not be having a women president until we can stamp out misogyny on the left, and at the moment, they won’t even admit it’s a real thing.

Sigh. I’m so so angry at my fellow white people, period. Idiots.

So, they’re like rain on your wedding day?

Yes. It’s all our imagination. America First, amirite?

haha! I know!! “You liberals! I thought you were about peace and love!”

Yes. Paul Ryan is a fucking asshole.

Oh please. It’s been, what a MONTH since this post came up, and you’re still here stanning. She fucked up. People do. Get over it.

Discussing common decency and empathy is never bad. How funny everyone is making it a terrible idea.


Just a petty, shitty thing to do to him.

Right?? “He mocks all people by acting like they are disabled!! So it’s okay!!!”