
Okay, let's have no Moore of that.

Dammit, that looks really good. I can’t afford a 99th streaming platform though!

Yeah, I’m surprised Jason didn’t question or mention this aspect at all.

Yeah, make it cloth. Our brains can process that better than “not skin.” And I’m not sure why they refer to Mr. Mime’s blue parts as “horns” when they could just as easily be big ol’ hair.

I would love to see Reynolds cameo as himself and fighting with his Pikachu. An idea I heard for a sequel would be a Pokemon: Team Rocket movie centered on Jesse and James as bumbling thieves who gets in way over their head. That would offer a nice opportunity for Reynpld’s Cop chracter to come in. But that is just

I don’t know anything about Pokemon but my young kids do, so I took them to see it. I mostly didn’t enjoy the movie because it wasn’t for me, but that scene was great. I don’t think my kids got it, so even better.

Mr. Mime was absolutely amazing. They did such a wonderful job bring him to life. And his scene was exceptionally darkly funny. The absolute best scene in the film.

No matter what the sequel winds up being, I hope we get at least a few minutes of Ryan Reynolds as a pokémon trainer. I want to see Ryan Reynolds as a grown-ass man, shouting battle instructions at his Pikachu like an overgrown child.

I wish TPC would quit it with the whole “Pokemon don’t wear clothes” thing. Some of them clearly have clothing, dammit. That’s far easier to accept (and much less creepier) than the idea of body parts that look like clothing.

Ehhh, I’d rather they make Original Sin 3. The story of Baldur’s Gate was definitively concluded, the team behind the franchise has long since dispersed, and anything pretending to be a sequel will be a spiritual sequel at best. It’s like writing Hamlet 2, which only makes sense as a joke.

heh, I think people are more hyped about the idea of a BG3 than the actual game. In this day in age, disappointment is a common commodity.

“And the Pokémon Company interpreted that as not being cloth, but his skin. There was no way we could get around that one.”

It really was! The casting was dead-on perfect. Liam Neeson as Hannibal, Sharlto Copley fucking channeling the essence of Murdoch, Bradley Cooper as Face (they couldn’t have cast that role better if they had a time machine), and Quinton ‘Rampage’ Jackson as B.A. That crazy-ass sequence where they’re all in a

I wont lie. I’d watch the fuck outta Terminator vs Commando.

On the contrary, the A-Team movie was fucking awesome. The extended cut on the Blu-Ray especially. I don’t know what else it could’ve been. The first 20 minutes could’ve been a long-lost episode of the show.

Schwarzenegger does indeed turn up in a cabin in the woods

I think the problem with the Alien franchise was that Ridley Scott moved it into the direction of High-Budget CGI fests instead of going into the direction of Shane Carruth or Alex Garland.

Good thing this one ignores all of the stuff that came after T2. I like that approach. Thought it worked well for the newer Halloween sequel.

Other than how I’d personally change it to “one improbably good original and one perfect, slightly-new-direction sequel,” just as a matter of taste, but otherwise agreed entirely.