
The F40 is a Lego Creator set, so was the Beetle and Mini. They generally look really good with no mechanical details (or minimal). The Technic sets like the GT3 and this Corvette are generally ugly but full of mechanical details. Although the F1 car did look good...

Flew when parked.

“That’s what your mother said, Trebek”

Auto design and other commercial products, including women’s fashion in this case, were heavily influenced by aircraft design and later rocketry in the post-WW2 USA. Witness the whole tailfin phenomenon. And because “sex sells”, you saw “Dagmar” front bumper protrusions as a 1950's design motif.

But, could it detect fire trucks, a known stealthy-and-hard-to-see-obstacle, especially when stopped directly ahead of you, in your lane, with the lights on and guys in bright yellow jackets moving around it? Devilishly hard to see, those fire engines are.

Reminds me of this.

Maybe I am just too young to appreciate this, but what was with designers, during the darkest days of the cold war, making cars that look like ballistic missiles?

Blondes usually get my attention, but brunettes keep it. Married one 20 years ago. 

Looks like many of the Dodgey bits have been removed.

Brunettes are hotter

That's where the monsters are.

Not to mention God-knows what kind of sea-monsters just hangin’ around waiting for a bite to eat. nothx!

Did this movie really need not one but two black guys to sacrifice themselves for the white folks? I also guess black women don’t make it through the apocalypse


This is what I thought of.

Old Guy Figures Out How to Get Everyone to Leave Him Alone”

If he had any national pride, he’d be trying to cross the Atlantic in a modified Citroen 2CV along the lines of the Top Gear car/boat episodes. 

This is the best possible analysis of that trash ass movie lol. I really wonder if Netflix digs in a hat to pick which film they’ll make and another hat to choose the cast.

Soooo many bro-trucks around here with those LED lights bars everywhere. Pointing forward, backwards, on bumpers, in the grill, on top of the cab... everywhere.