
“His opponent, Saccone, ended his campaign saying liberals hate America, Donald Trump, and God.”

At this point, even if somehow Lamb loses on a recount/lots of dead pets voting for Saccone, the damage really is done.

Talk bout pissing in someone’s cereal, you guys are too cool for these special elections now huh”? Bet you had a nice long one written up if Saccone won, telling us how useless the dems are, but since Lamb won, you get this snarky POS response.

former federal prosecutor and former Marine (the Democrats’ favorite kind of candidate)

I voted for him yesterday and really, really hope his win is official. Screw you, Saccone.

This blue tidal wave keeps growing.

So, long story short, if Lamb’s victory holds, it will be largely symbolic

More importantly, is the F40 bigger on the inside or smaller on the outside?

“Everbody knows Doctor Who drives a London Police Box...” *does* seem Doctor Who-ish that the wrecked Ferrari would then become sentient and demand a payoff.

This 1000 times. Your are forced to comply to with anything the flight attendant says by federal law.

A few things:
Fuck United’s flight attendant. What an asshole
This is the prime reason I’ll never, ever subject my dog to air travel. I don’t care how big or small, I’m not putting him through something that even I find profoundly unpleasant most of the time.
Could it have had something to do (also) with the breed of

Dr. Who drives Betsy.

Totally came here thinking Capaldi, Smith or Tennant had wrecked their car!! Don’t know about Jodie yet...

No, he drove a Whomobile Alien, a 1973 975cc vehicle that John Pertwee drove.

FAKE NEWS TORCH! Everbody knows Doctor Who drives a London Police Box not an F40, can’t believe you got hoodwinked like that.

I was lucky enough to get out a few hours before my final. Though I did tell the professor what had happened because we were on good terms with one another, you never know when sympathy may be needed.

I’ve had the exact opposite experience — driving white in a predominantly black housing project. I was living in a housing project uptown in Manhattan in 2002-2003. I am so white that I’m basically clear. I have — this is not an exaggeration — gotten a sunburn on my thigh through my jeans while I was driving in my car

Driving a company truck on the freeway, I was pulled over by a state trooper for “not wearing a seat belt”. I put that in quotation mars because I was wearing it the entire time. Always do. Always will.

How about turning left with my signal on. Got stopped because the signal did not stay on through he process of the turn. I am not making this up. That was a first for me. Especially considering this was before the process of completing the catch was a thing. Maybe that explains why the cop had on such a strange