
Don’t feel too bad about it, it’s a very common misconception. I didn’t know either until it was pointed out to me by a Japanese friend. See also the part about many westerners erroneously thinking that characters in Japanese animation look ‘western’ because that’s what we expect to see. Our minds fill in missing

What they really need to do is change the law to be more egalitarian, and at minimum allow female-led branches of the imperial family to maintain their status. If they don’t, there is a distinct danger of the imperial line dying out in a few more generations, as there is only one male child of the latest generation.

That part isn’t about being “western”, it’s about being more like the Japanese people with white skin and folded eyelids (which is a small percentage of the natural population). It’s the same way in South Korea, and China, and preference for that appearance also predates heavy contact with the west by hundreds of

Now, now, there’s a much more serious and adult response to spiders in the ceiling, which is to calmly take a tissue or two, and then carefully, very carefully, burn down the entire building to the foundation. ;)

Or any housing, period.

The type of route is a big factor as well. I live maybe 4 miles from work, which I’d love to be able to bike to and from, but I have to cross a busy highway that has no crosswalks/etc, nevermind sidewalks, where I’m half afraid of getting hit even when I’m in a car because of how people cut across from on ramps trying

Yes - the statues aren’t about “telling history”, they’re about GLORIFYING certain parts of it. We don’t use statues to teach history, we use them to honor specific individuals. We teach history through history books, museums, and so forth.

Luke as a tuner? I can just see the F/F crossover now, demanding Rey bring him a 10 parsec Kessel-run fighter, overnighting parts from Corellia...

I always liked the look of those Camaros - far more so than I do the current revived ones which just look too... blocky, I guess? I know the new ones are far more powerful and probably a much better drive, but the look just doesn’t seem right to me.

The trap they set for themselves was that they demagogued it so hard and lied so widely to their base to get themselves in power, and turned up the dial on race-based hate on Obama to 11 in the process, that they were victims of their own success. Their supporters bought the lies, and believed so much that it took on

I’m actually jealous because I would have loved Lego people like the ones from the Friends line (or the Elves line - I would have loved the Elves line) when I was a kid. We didn’t even have the highly detailed ones they have now, it was all just yellow smiley face with different hats (or no hat). You got a top half

I would watch the sh*t out of this. Or at least the first episode - just so long as it ends up more Battlestar Galactica (the early seasons, not the later hot mess), and not Caprica (which actually was getting good by the end of its short run, but by then it was too late).

“Oh my god, Becky, look at her Wing.”

That and they might be inclined to come to Sansa’s aid, as the sister of their deceased Lady. Lord Royce (being the only named Vale Lord in the show) also liked Sansa, and he had a lot of influence too - but neither he nor any of the others seemed to have any love at all for Littlefinger, whatsoever.

It’s probably because there’s no clear reasoning for an army of undead to have heavy-duty chains of that sort. It’s not like we’ve seen anything to lay the groundwork for it, nor any of the sorts of forges that would be needed to craft them. Is it impossible? No, but it is sort of an out-of-left-field thing, even if

If he foresaw it, then that would explain why he had all those giant chains ready to go.

A zombie bear!

You can be a good person in Crusader Kings, though. It just tends to be a short game, is all. :)

Some would argue though that those statues are themselves revisionism, as they represent part of the early 20th century push to romanticize the Confederacy, and gloss over the terrible things it did/represented. More importantly, though, there are ways to remember history that don’t involve putting up memorial statues

The good news is that the Big 3 currently have something of a glut of unsold vehicles, especially trucks, so this will be a boon for them in clearing that out.