
Heat injuries are a nasty, nasty thing, and they can happen even if you’re not out in the sun. When you stop sweating like that, it’s a massive red flag for dehydration and heat stroke. Definitely stay hydrated (with water) if it’s hot, even indoors like that, in addition to keeping the area ventilated.

The classic Canadian Tuxedo.

It’s because they no longer have a coherent ideology based on solving the country’s problems. Instead they have a dogma that must be adhered to, and to whom sacrifices must be offered. That it inevitably leads to poor governing does not concern them, because it merely reaffirms their core belief that government is bad

The Royal Navy has had 6 ships that bore the name HMS Invincible - of those, one was lost in battle (at Jutland in WWI), one wrecked off the coast of Norfolk in 1801, and the other four survived to be retired. So all in all, not a terrible track record.

It’s unfortunate, because one of the things that was appealing to me about Overwatch at least in the past has been the relative absence of the kind of verbal abuse that was all too common in Call of Battlefield Duty games. I don’t dislike FPSes, but I prefer to play them without having to listen to some 12 year old

You’d hoon an aircraft carrier if you could, too. :)

You can get an R32 Skyline GT-R legally now, just like Doug Demuro did. What you can’t get is an R33 GT-R (1995 so 2020 at the earliest) or an R34 (1999, so 2024).

“Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress, but I repeat myself.” - Mark Twain

It was almost comical were it not so harmful, but almost everything he accused her of, he was orders of magnitude worse over.

Cosplay is for everyone. I do it, I have fun, and I’m not exactly in shape at present either.

The one smart choice I made was to get a townhouse, which was more than I needed by far, but recovered its value and was easier to sell. Being in the DC area helped though, too.

Luckily for me the area I bought in recovered quickly, since it’s a high demand market.

Luckily I’m not in nearly so bad of a situation. I own my current vehicle outright - a 2014 Mustang (V8). It’s in great condition, and has reasonably low mileage (30k), and I have no other debt (not even student loans). The smart thing would probably be to keep it at least another few years - but I’m already itching

Wish I’d had that advice. In 2008 I got pushed to buy by relatives rather than find a place to rent. I wound up buying a place in late 2008 that seemed like a great deal at the time, having dropped 125k from where it was at peak. Luckily when I sold a few years later, I did so for ~75k more than I paid - but had I

I nearly break out in hives at the thought of financing for 5-6 years again... but 7 years? I just can’t even...