Super Plus Ice Festival

I’m inclined to agree. So many people in Chicago have taken this as an opportunity to go full #BlueLivesMatter. Fuuuuuuck. That.

Yeesh. If you were unaware, the writers of this site have strong opinions and a pretty specific ideological bent. If that’s not your thing, cool man, go read the NYT or 538 or whatever. Go get some of that some nice bland news porridge. Otherwise stop being shocked that the very opinionated writers on this very

This is a really great response. I was gonna chime in on this thread, but it would not have been half as coherent, and probably a lot more unnecessarily hostile, than your responses have been. Good job.

[Thinking about what director could best treat a gritty film where the main character is driven to criminal insanity by the “accumulation of many disappointments and pains and losses”]

I really like Stacey. And I really want her to run for Senate. She would have a realistic shot at winning against a pro-Trump shitheel (Perdue) and would also help put Georgia in play for whoever the Dem presidential nominee ends up being.

What do the health insurance companies your country look like? Are they massive conglomerates with major influence over lawmakers? I think it’s important to compare/contrast the health insurance industry in other countries against the one here.

This is great. Don’t beat around the bush. Be honest about what this plan will actually do (kill health insurers) and why it’s better than the more incremental options.

The investigation into Trump and his inner circle was, and is, necessary and good. He remains a deeply corrupt individual surrounded by other deeply corrupt individuals. Bringing down career criminals like Manafort/Cohen/Flynn/Stone are unambiguously good things that came of this and the other investigations.

Wow, Ygritte’s totally in my face!

Death, taxes, and you being an obnoxious pissbaby about the 2016 elections in the comments of every article on this site.

Very true. I remember watching the movie Road Trip and DJ Qualls’ character hooks up with a character played by Mia Amber Davis at a frat party, and the scene is played as like, “Look at this ELEPHANT the skinny white guy hooked up with hahaha” That scene really made me mad. Like, Mia was literally a plus-size SUPERMOD

What are the half-baked political opinions in this article? Are you a big fan of astroturfing?

Agree! I don’t even mind the dragons. It’s really just the white walkers that fuckin SUUUUUUUUUUCK. The things I loved about the first 4-5 seasons were all very human drama related. The scheming, power politics, idealism vs. pragmatism, tradition vs. progress, etc. Even the best of the characters has tragic flaws,

“If I’m elected I will demand that ALL Seniors get to have lockers on the first floor! When we were Freshman all the Seniors had the good lockers on the first floor and then the Dean changed that rule and made it so Seniors are way up on the THIRD FLOOR! I’ll tell the Dean that that’s NO FAIR! We’ve earned this

my SAT scores in the 8th grade were good enough to get in....”

It’s a lot more warped then that. The right believes (and I mean really, truly believes) that they are the ones upholding “reason and morals”. They believe that white men created civilization and are responsible for all progress and should be treated as such. They believe that any theory which doesn’t uphold the


Dude, Breaking Bad would have been so much better if Skylar would have not been such a BITCH and just help Walt be a fucking BOSS.

It’s a link to CCN. Idiot.