Don't mind me

yeah there is. I use and administrate a bigger enterprise network and i use features you have never heard of quite frequently =)

I will say that they also don’t know how to make a Cuban, which is inexcusable for a Florida company

People don’t take medicine for things that don’t affect them. You obviously shouldn’t overuse medications, but saying that taking headache medicine doesn’t cure what’s causing a headache kind of misses the point. Many causes of minor headaches will go away in time, but the pain can still affect your ability to do your

They have my respect. Anything past the third rung of a six-foot step ladder and things get a little dicey for me.

I’m not certain how much you have worked with SharePoint but 2010 and 2013 both allow coauthoring - mulitiple editing or adding to a document at once. I’m not sure if 2007 allowed this so maybe this is the version you’ve had experience with. SharePoint has changed my work. It has shortened cycle times and reduced the

Did the name-calling really add anything to the headline, or did it just guarantee that no Republicans will bother to read your article to perhaps be swayed by your opinions?

I can’t tell if you’re trolling, being serious or being super snarky.

At $5 per bulb, it will not be slow for LEDs to become the standard.

Badass as a descriptor might be a little strong. At the very least, this trailer elevated F4’s status from “Never going to see this,” to “If it’s at the Redbox and I have nothing else going on.”

100% agree. I’m not a teacher, but I am a tutor, and I have seen some pretty pathetic examples of teachers/schools that are considered to be “good”.

How your child is schooled is your job and your responsibility. If you think the test is a good thing for your child, go ahead. If you think the test isn’t good for your child, hold them back.

Former school employee here. I think there should be some form of standardized test. The problem is, we have made them the end-all-be-all to determine the success of an education system. A districts reputation and funds are tied to how the students do on the test, and this should not be. One cannot tell how good

Why doesn’t Gizmodo default to HTTPS?

Uhh just to be clear:

But Wes, you, and many of the commenters here, are hiding behind a strawman: the bill is not about what you *imagine*, but instead about what it *is*.

Sigh. I'm sad to see the day that one of my favorite Gawker authors trolled his own site.

Well, I'm pretty sure that the amendment only applies to public land that does not fit within those categories. Is it a bad precedent? Sure. But I think you've misrepresented the facts.

Nope. You don't understand the issues here. I'm more liberal than conservative and I fully support this. To you, the republicans are "selling off" the land. They aren't selling the lands. They are trying to get the land back in the states control...where the state can decide how best to use it to better the lives of

Why is the lead photo of a national park, Yosemite...El Cap and Half Dome? Is Congress suggesting we sell off land of those as well? What am I missing here?