Don't mind me

It would probably look better if it got '70s Firebird looks.

Especially if your carrier is Verizon.

I'm willing to bet this will never see the light of day on my Galaxy S5.

Yeah, that is how feminism started (and I'm all for that, equality is good), but today its transformed a lot and feminism is used by many to try to put men down/raise women above. I wasn't trying to say feminism in its original meaning/intentions is bad, so I should have used the word "sexist", my mistake.

A lot of people would say you need to get your ass beat. I, on the other hand, don't think that's the problem. I'm sure you have gotten your ass beat many times before. The problem is you just don't learn.

$100 gets me free two day shipping on products that are often times 50% off retail price. It also gets me streaming video including now HBO video (except GoT). Many of the things on Amazon are unique enough that it warrants having in addition to Netflix.
It also now apparently gets me streaming music to an

Gaah! So much angst. You probably think those poor publishers, and the lost souls depending on the MPAA and RIAA to protect them are victims, don't you?

Goldeneye Source.

Tannerite is really fun. While I'd love to do a shot this big, I like not going to jail better. 50lbs is the legal limit. The biggest I've done so far was 4 lbs and it was LOUD.

Looks like it came straight out of a "How to Make a Rad Video Game" instructional tape from the mid-90's.

Just another moron still held back by nostalgia. No one cares that you dislike CSGO, and there is no reason for you to be on a CSGO article if you think that way.

Land ice is replenished by precipitation (i.e. snowfall), as you correctly surmised, and yes, it is a process that is currently happening. Unfortunately, the models and real-life observations point to the inability of the rate of replenishment by precipitation to balance out the rate of loss by melting. Lower

Sea ice forms on the sea, and so doesn't affect sea levels all that much (an ice cube melting into your drink doesn't raise the level of your drink). However, the West Antarctic ice sheet is on land, and so when it melts, sea levels will rise (think of melting even more ice cubes, and pouring that into your drink).

If they would have just turned off the shitty techno music, it wouldn't have come to that.

Pretty sure real men just eat their steak by simply cutting it and putting it into their mouth. Effeminate men worry about how to delicately cut their meat. Funny, I seem to remember our cavemen ancestors just eating meat off the bones of their kill. They never worried about the direction of the grain.

Or play Guitar Hero / Rock Band for awhile, watching the screen scroll up, and then look around you and watch your world do the same thing

I hate to be a party pooper, but this is a clear violation of the Constitution. Remember search and seizure and the 4th Amendment - this is a seizure - the cop is using the threat of force to temporarily detain you. He has no right to do so. I want to be left alone by the cops unless I am committing a crime, in which

All that is happening here is that Kayak Canada includes Southwest in the search results whereas Kayak USA does not. Flights are not actually priced differently depending on location.