Don't mind me

Every car I've owned up till now has had flip lights: 88 Accord and 93 SC2, both of which were epic cars. The 88 Accord had a switch on the dash that if you kept mashing it, would offset the cycle of the lights, so they would be going up and down at opposite times. The 93 SC2 was just a brilliant car that was like

I agree with you, but I usually take it one step further. I install and HDDs or ODDs before I install the motherboard unless either of them stick out and prevent the MB from seating. Often, the RAM, SB cooler, or something else will block access to HDD or ODD bays if you can only load from the back.

I know the argument is going on both sides for structural integrity.. What I would do is attach cleats on the underside of the top. With a 10-12" depth of the shelf, a 2x2x6 screwed into the studs and then screwed up/down into/through the top of the shelf would fix some problems. Heck, I'd even try out french cleats

Go troll about it

Might be good for things like table saw tops

Right as he ran, at 2:00, it looks like a bullet hits the ground maybe 15 feet ahead.. Scary stuff

Truly would have been an elite display of military might

Does the information here change if one references an HSA instead?

Everythings on the wrong side...

here here

I think 10 times more toxic is a very conservative number.

As someone who has dropped a CFL and had it shatter near them, I was downright afraid— for my safety, my wife's, and my dog's. CFLs are fine if you need a bright light and light quality isn't an issue, but anywhere that I plan on reading, sleeping, or things of that nature, I make sure to use incandescent.

Absolutely. I have a 140 lb rottweiler and my 130lb wife can walk him with no problems. When he's on a normal collar, he'll just pull and pull if something catches his attention.

VOTE: Basecamp

I have a couple: The english channel crossing episode, the episode where they crossed an African country, and the one where they raced the Veyron against the Typhoon. Probably the most beautiful was the one in Vietnam

You hit the nail on the head, mister

As the adage says.. locks just keep the honest people out

Can't for the time being.. Otherwise I'd help you out.

I'm loving this so far.. My facebook/twitter streams are abuzz with friends who are impatient to get in. What will sink G+ from the getgo will be not opening it up to everyone asap.

Anigifs, 8mb music files playing in the background, 1mb background images, streaming audio, auto-playing youtube clips..