The Neckbeard Slayer

What about Tencent aka the Chinese government? What do they do?

Unless it’s Call of Duty: Warzone, which runs like absolute dogshit.

Valorant is the champ in this regard. Pretty sure you could literally play it on an actual potato.

I would love a giant wall-sized OLED TV, so can Sony just knock like, I don’t know, maybe $10k off that too because I, as the consumer, don’t want to pay the actual MSRP on my absolutely non-essential purchase?”

Does Sony stand to make direct money off of your purchases for that OLED TV?

Oh, wait, they don’t?


It’s not a...

R-really, no way it’s a...

He looks like a bad Bond villain in that pic.

I miss FragileRootReader spoofing my name :( It was almost fun

Hey bitch boy, where ya been? Been missing your inbred takes. Did mommy finally make you get a job?

I hope you killed yourself

For me it vacillates between corny Theater Kids Rap (tm) and some actual respectable flow/wordplay. A lot of the corny shit is near the start.

Any George Washington verse is absolute fucking flames, though.

You’re moving the goalposts. Military propaganda =/= specific US Army/AF propaganda.

“Captain Marvel being made in junction with the airforce”

You really think the garden variety average Captain Marvel viewer is aware of this, and that it actually influences their decision-making if they ARE aware? Please.

Except not. If you don’t watch sports, don’t play video games and don’t view movies where military-type stuff would be shown in previews/ads (They’re not going to play an Army ad before a Pixar movie or a romantic comedy, etc), it really is very easy to ignore the military. Saying this as someone who consumes all of

I know you’re just joking but Dr. K is becoming a Twitch star.

I’m not a huge fan of Doc or anything, I think his ‘80s machismo schtick is grating and he seems like an overall shitty dude. But let’s not pretend that he’s their most “troublesome” streamer. Not by a long fucking shot.

Companies have got to have data that shows them the whale/guppy system is what makes them the most money. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is notorious for shit like this.

Not.... sure... how that refutes their point in any way.

“There are so many things that are worth exploring, the number of single Black mothers,”

Ah yes, I’m sure that has LITERALLY never been discussed or written on The Root dot com, you’re right. You’re not some arbiter of what issues are or are not discussed on The Root, btw.

You’re doing that thing where you’re taking it extremely personally and lashing out.

You’re not a shitty straight black guy who agrees with anti-Semitic tropes?

The comment is NOT DIRECTED AT YOU, then.

Just this inbred incel’s daily tantrum, nothing to see here folks.

Just this inbred incel’s daily tantrum, nothing to see here folks.

Just this inbred incel’s daily tantrum, nothing to see here folks.