Look at this dumbass getting all up in his fee fees because people want to help others out. Your mom’s disability running out?
Look at this dumbass getting all up in his fee fees because people want to help others out. Your mom’s disability running out?
The screed of a neckbeard.
Now you’re talking about me to other people you’re so obsessed, like the 3rd time now. Starting to get a little creepy.
“People just hate it when you call it what it is. Attractive people always have more of an edge so use it if you got it.” said the repulsive neckbeard.
Are you sure your mommy will be able to afford your subscription in these trying times?
Awww, I’ve triggered somebody so much they’ve turned into an admirer! How cute!
Pretty sure the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up is kiss your sister on the mouth and then hop onto TheRoot.com.
tl;dr you fuck your sister
Except I’m a white man who works from home.
So nope, good try, FragileRootBitchBoy!
You need to work on your reading comprehension.
Like, really badly.
What exactly is “tough guy” about what I said? Are you that much of a wilting flower that you can’t handle some words on the internet?
Not even sure what that means aside from you’re so upset at me that you feel the need to try to play armchair internet psychologist. Is everything OK over there? There’s some hotlines for you to call if needed.
Laughing at.
But of course you would take “the void” literally because you’re just that fucking dumb. The void is a place where you rant in the greys by your lonesome, angry at whatever “person said bad thing about white people” article is up for the day, and only getting responses from people like me who…
Anyone who reads The Root’s comment section would recognize one of the most tearful and angry racists, seeing as how you obsessively comment on the site day after day, screaming into the void. So what’s that even supposed to mean?
Wypipo tears are delicious!
Ah yes, the paranoid delusions of someone who hears someone else tell them to “die slow” and they think they’re a fan. More of that ethnic narcissism at work.
Knowing that you wake up every day intending to troll on The Root because you just can’t stand anything being said negatively about white people makes me smile.…
That’s literally just your ethnic narcissism speaking.
Of course you are, turbonerd.
Ah yes, what a surprise, everybody, that adolescentjourno, one of the more bald-faced racists on the site, doesn’t care about the plight of black people regarding literally anything.