The Neckbeard Slayer

Yeah the truth is dirty and ugly, and that truth is that Michael Jackson molested children. It’s also similar to your face, I’m sure.

You’re not a molestation survivor. Period. You’re a fuckin weirdo on the internet making up the fact you were molested for the sole purpose of white knighting for a dead celebrity who molested children. Kill yourself. No, really. Kill yourself. 

Guy molests children = bad. What else is there to be informed about, you fool?

Sorry you feel the need to stan for a sexist, racist hack. The shit he did to Uma Thurman being the shit cherry on the diarrhea sundae. Your obsession with a mid 50's dorky filmmaker is.. interesting. That’s some second-hand embarrassment type shit.

Except that I know this and it still doesn’t matter because Tarantino, the “rip off”-iest dude around, wasn’t original himself in using the Black Mamba nickname. Someone trying to defend Tarantino, of all people, from getting ripped off is gold.

You seem mad.

Pot, kettle.

Source: your entire post history, your entire life.

Weak take. It’s literally the name of the snake. Sounds like Tarantino ripped off some biologists from 1864 if that’s the case. I agree giving yourself a nickname is lame, but the “rip off” notion is just stupid.

“Then don’t buy the game” .. retroactively? How are you supposed to know it’s an unfinished, buggy shitshow before you, you know, purchase and play it?

I’ll save you the “BUT THEY HAD A BETA/EARLY ACCESS” bullshit because it’s not at all representative of the game you’re paying $60 for, and that’s not even getting

Anthem cost “hundreds of millions of dollars” to develop? News to me.

“You seem mad” doesn’t sting like you probably think it does considering you spent all morning on Kinja writing combative comments. Something about a pot and kettle?

Appreciate that deflection though. The usual right winger tactic when confronted with their own statements/facts. The equivalent of a white flag,

Except when it comes to public figure maniacs like Conor McGregor - who just happens to be white, I’m sure - you feel differently. What a surprise.

Oh, like you? And I quote: “No. Because he hasn’t committed deportable crimes. But being an ignorant racist is easier than being informed. So you do you”  

TIL taking a picture of someone in public is “provoking a crazy ass person” 

Your post history looks an awful lot like Shane’s Twitter feed. What a coincidence. Also burn all the Affliction shit in your closet.

Moron commenter, aka you (was there ever any question?), makes unsubstantiated claims against other commenter. It’s actually you, the moron commenter, who is to blame. You’d rather attack individuals than the company.

As loathe as I am to dredge you out of the greys where you absolutely belong forever, I’m a man too. And I’m not clutching my pearls and running to Twitter spamming #notallmen or whatever bullshit hashtags MRAs are using these days. Know why? Because I’m not a rapist, therefore I don’t take it personally. Again,

Yes, their comment literally read, “Kinja user fleshsword is a rapist”

No, it didn’t, and stop taking it so personally when the word “men” is used. You’re male and NOT a rapist? Great, then you shouldn’t be bothered one bit by that comment.

whatever you say, fatty

Says the fat incel with 16 Kinja accounts lmao