The seafood bisque from Pike Place Chowder in Seattle is the worlds best soup and I am prepared to go to blows over this.
The seafood bisque from Pike Place Chowder in Seattle is the worlds best soup and I am prepared to go to blows over this.
there’s just no good substitute for a pizza cutter wheel
there’s just no good substitute for a pizza cutter wheel
I had never stopped to consider the meltability of cottage cheese! This has so many new possibilities!!
As a former Seattlite, if you’re willing to get out of the city a bit, “The Rock Wood Fired Pizza” in any of Lynwood/Renton/Federal Way is pretty decent. I don’t know if they still do, but they used to have a great all you can eat pizza lunch buffet that was worth every penny (any was where they’d occasionally try out…
How about “If you’d like I can take you through the menu, or let me know if you have any questions”
Jackson Cosko: American hero, political prisoner.
Joe Biden might not be a member of the GOP, but he is a Republican.
A lemon danish is very clearly soup in a bread bowl.
If Bethesda doesn’t mention TES:VI, I say we riot.
The business model for this is straight up freaking delusional.
Oh my god yes.
“If Xbox Lynx is what gets you into personal hygiene, super.”
Agree. Whatever it fucking takes.
As someone who works at a gaming convention to not be named every year, believe me, their target audience is much wider than 13 year olds. Also, this quote from the article 10000x:
“If Xbox Lynx is what gets you into personal hygiene, super.”
The only reedeming part of this idea is the coffee shop during the day, bar at night model with food that isn’t generic bar food. That part is pretty good. Although shame that it’s only a wine bar.
“Incels also argue that women get similarly invasive procedures regularly and aren’t criticized”
I mean... as much as I REALLY hate to say it, they’re almost halfway to making a point. People should be able to get whatever surgery they want to be comfortable in their bodies without being criticized for it.
Who the fuck is this clown? No, wait, I don’t care to know.
They bet wrongly. No. No more streaming services. They need to take a page from the music industry. Make your content available everywhere, let people pay for it however they want to.
No. I don’t give a shit if racist misogynists think its “divisive” fuck them.
They don’t get to have their opinions listened to.
The National Labor Relations Board is currently an illegitimate puppet organization for right-wing anti-worker’s rights extremists.
The tweets were two hours apart . If it was saved up over days we’ve just changed a potential urine problem for a definite mental health problem.