
@focus503: This one looks the same as those years, I believe. I have noticed people looking at it, but it seems to be more of a "wtf is that little thing?!" look than one of nostalgia. It's a surprisingly fun little car so far and it has cut my gas consumption on my commute to roughly a third (of course, I was

@ Delta Five Nine: I would gladly trade it as long as I'm trading up. I've tried to determine the rarity, but the best real number that I've seen is that 1,000 total Sciroccos are roaming North America from that year, but that doesn't take into account it being a Scirocco S.

I just picked up a very used '81 Scirocco S (with a 5-speed) for under a grand. I had to put new rotors and pads in front and fix a cobbled-up mess of an excuse of an exhaust system. If you keep looking, you can find a very cheap commuter car that is still fun.

I had a friend in high school with a hot tub conversion on an S-10. No, it didn't work as well in reality as it did in theory. The suspension really didn't like that much water. I've since seen guys in El Caminos with the plastic sheeting and it does work. I'm not sure that it does a lot to attract the ladies, but

Some plastic sheeting added to the bed would take care of that. Plus, it would be heated since the exhaust seems to run the length of the bed.

I've never actually seen that site, but I've seen a lot of horrific replies to its URL.

It's my understanding that has plenty of them available.

That's not how I meant it at all - I think it looks awesome.

I call BS. There is no way that your rice-mobile with minimal mods is running in the mid 12's in the mile. Maybe a quarter mile... but this race is a full mile drag race.

They sleep with big smiles on their faces, at least I would.

Thanks! I didn't even see the video (I read the story from Google Reader). On a side note, I think half of that video was then loading and unloading the car.

Has he taken it to the track? How did it perform? Also, this is more like putting the shell of an Audi on a full chassis dragster.

Haha. I think the first time I dropped my laptop while doing that would probably be the end of it.

You sure don't need coffee after something like that.

He doesn't always drink beer...

What is the 'Ring time of the 2012 ACR? Oh yea... they stopped making them. Enjoy your new Fiat version.

I work in the auto industry, but not at GM. If I worked in the same building as this guy, I would high five him every time I passed him in the hall.

Ohio is one big speed trap. I drive very conservatively when I travel in Ohio.

@subscript: They only publicize the time and place because it's the only way that they were ruled as constitutional. If they don't publicize the checkpoint in advance, it's a violation of your rights.

Bait and switch is something that a seller would do... not a buyer. Price fixing is also a seller's issue that involves an agreement between firms to set an artificially high market price for a product. I'm pretty sure that while this is unethical, it's totally legal.