
@Elhigh: I was thinknig all flat black... and leave the acid flashback-inducing Phoenix on the hood. Then you could use it for prom season and Burning Man.

@87CE 95PV Type Я: I think the trunk monkey ads are the only ones I will watch on purpose.

Why do you think we have to wait until Saturday? A true Jalop already owns this movie and can watch it at his or her leisure... or you could have it on a constant loop being blasted on the wall.

@SlowMo: I could see that on top of buildings, but anywhere that cars could run off of track would not be feasible, plus possible reflection issues with blinding drivers. From what I read earlier today, it's definitely mutually exclusive. Obviously, there are ways to incorporate green technology moving forward, and

@57sweptside: This land has already been heavily involved in talks regarding a solar array, so there is ample interest in this land from outside of the automotive realm. I hope that it stays a track-type facility.

@jodark: ... and she picked the worst place to try to raise that opinion. How many Jeep forum members did she really expect to jump up and agree that he needs to sell the Jeep because it needs work?!

@mcgs999: I can see your point, but if they get married and she starts seeing the finances, his hobby will suddenly look way more expensive at a point where she has increased power in the relationship. I say get her used to the hobby and its associated costs up front and make sure that she understands how important

@jimtuck: Canadian? Most guys I know in the US don't look at Levitation or Moosehead as a lighter beer.

@Scandinavian Flick doesn't need snow to oppo: I prefer to not get an OWI while testing my work, so I tend to either drink it slowly or have a water every other beverage. Most of my friends' garages have either a dedicated beer fridge or a kegerator.

@OOglebooze: That's precisely my viewpoint as well. A few beers are fine... chugging beer while trying to repair something will most likely lead to something bad happening... but I've seen it work too.

Except for the 'no beer' part, I pretty much agree with him.

@Jstas has gas!: Go read some crime news - most thieves aren't the brightest of the bunch.

I just thought that the guy's ad was hilarious... and who tries to sell a Yugo? They will be worth... tens of dollars... many years from now.

@MelaMarcia: You win this round, but I think it's too early for a cotd nomination.

@Jstas has gas!: Most cars used for crimes such as this are stolen. That kind of refutes your income and rarity arguments.

Wow... I can't say that I really care... at all.

@Radio Golden Voice Flyer now with less homeless!: I think I was 16 or 17 at the time (about 1994 or 1995), so it seems that we were in the same predicament at roughly the same age. Neat-o. I still think about that blue '70 split bumper every time I see another one on the road.