
Am I the only one who read this title and thought “Man, I could really go for a nice steak right now”?

Poor cows.

Those cows would have been killed anyway. For the steaks, you know... T-bones medium, Porterhouses medium-rare, that kind of things.

Meh. I like beef and it’s better to do as much as possible with the rest of the cow than do nothing at all.

You could always kill more Nagas instead. Worked for 80's mercedes’.

Dear Mr. McGovern,

This would be a really cool, if not completely useless, 99 cent dlc car for the next Forza Horizon.

Oh, has Will.I.Am taken a position as head of design?

Uber was losing $9000 per vehicle leased but your takeaway is that they were charging too much for the service? The Uber-hate is strong with Jalopnik.

Who knew that racking up a shitload of miles carrying drunks that have no respect for private property would affect resale value?

Really good article. I look forward to seeing more about this. That would be a serious technical achievement from Mazda if it works as advertised.

Or Koenigsegg’s camless engine?

That stuff is great. That said, they don’t make a 0W20. My stupid Tacoma 2.7 engine (basically a chuggy tractor engine) requires that for some reason.

TI-89? well excuse me Mr. Rockefeller.

*holds on to dear old TI-83*

Me too. If one is going to extract more efficieny out of a gasoline engine, this seems like the next progression.

People might call me out for endangering my life and those of others, but I’ve always felt that I can get by using an analog tire pressure gauge.

The eleventybillion dollar mirrors that car makers seem so fond of these days.

Dafuq does a mirror need to cost 1000 bucks for? People have gone soft.

Badges. Hells no will I pay $35 for a BMW roundel. I will pay $5 at a salvage yard or $9.99 for a knock off because I will not die that piece of plastic breaks.

Speaking as someone who does frequent burnouts, I do buy inexpensive tires. They’re surprisingly competent in the wet and their only downfall is they make a bit of road noise.