a cake

I would add that there is absolutely no attempt to grapple with the actual, functional policies that are messing these people’s lives up. You would think that given how celebrated articles like Ta-Nehisi Coates’ article on redlining or reparations was, you might see attempts to imitate it rather than simply dutifully

The Democratic Party absolutely abandoned these voters. When a Democratic President championed and signed the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act, it turned its back on everything these voters stood for.

And literal IDF postergirl working on her governments’ soft-porn propaganda campaign, who met her uber-rich shady husband at a millionaire matchmaker event.

I mean, I was really thinking about that piece published on Medium that Gadot’s PR people made go away. She blamed two of her roomates/coworkers who were raped while she worked as a model with them in Italy for their rapes because they were “weak”. The second coworker was raped by Gadot’s male friend and Gadot was

I am done with calling out the actresses on this shit. Call out the magazine, the conglomerate who owns the magazine, etc. This is not her fault. We’re playing games with women who want to help because they arent 100% perfect meanwhile people are getting away with rampant discrimination, assault etc.

Ugh. Gal Godot.

She’s not exempt from criticism. She is lashing out (a common behavior for survivors). I think her comments toward Streep are misdirected and McGowan should probably seek help so she can appropriately redirect her anger and have a chance to heal and move on.

Even still, if she knew... a varying degree of knowing, I don’t like the complicity route. At the end of the day, Harvey is the asshole here. If women chose to work with him for their careers, for a paycheck, whatever the reason... its their choice.

I think it’s neat how, even though Weinstein has been exposed as a disgusting, manipulative rapist, somehow people are still finding a way to blame his crimes on random women who happened to work adjacent to him over the past thirty years.

Rose McGowan Knew.

Yeah, cool it you street artist person. Not because Streep is who she is, but because... HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW, she knew? Streep explained herself quite well, and I believe her.

I’m sure they’re not all sick, but there is without a doubt a higher rate of diseases among pure breds than among other cats.

I paid money to the shelter to cover the costs of vet care they had put forward when they took in my cat. I didn’t pick my cat as much as she picked me - I sat in the middle of a room and she came to cuddle me. I would have taken her home no matter what after that.

After my dear Miss Kitty, a tabby, died, and I was considering adopting another cat, I was thinking of a black cat. I saw one at the shelter, but we didn’t click. Nope, another tabby got to me first. I’ve had her for almost eight years.

I don’t disagree with you that it’s nice having different breeds and there is nothing wrong with it in theory but preserving breeds leads to animal cruelty in the form of congenital defects and more to my point, breeding animals leads to abuse. Even if the government shut down every breeder and issued a bare minimum

And then there are good breeders who fall on hard times and who get lazy. Breeding is problematic in its foundation. When we run out of unwanted pets to euthanize (millions upon millions currently) let’s start breeding again.

Not to toot my own horn since I had very little to do with the process, but I spent yesterday road tripping with a friend from HS from Maine to Connecticut to pick up her new kitten, which she’d adopted from my girlfriend’s rescue, who had gotten her from a foster in Dallas, who had gotten her from a wood pile in

Reputable breeder is an oxymoron anyway. A dog dies every 8 seconds in the US alone, probably every 1 second in South America and other countries, for lack of homes.

So yeah, diversion aside remember a breeder is trying to sell you something. They’re out to make a living off getting your money in exchange for that life. A Rescuer is in it to save lives, and whatever money they ask for is going toward their costs for getting the animal safe and healthy, or toward the next animal

Completely agree, so many dogs and cats are euthanized that supporting breeders is not what an animal lover does.