
So it’s a village-building game then. *shrugs*

Was it really necessary to try to make a negative article about this?

Can we just nuke the song?

Yeah, police can be shitty and abuse their power. But they also provide a valuable service keeping the streets safe. In a perfect world that’s all they’d do. So it makes complete sense that Spidey would help them out when they’re doing good, though it would be more interesting and heroic if the game had you running

Weakness: Try Message

Imagine being such a piece of shit that you think it’s ok to do this. Especially years after the fact, after he apologized for a lot of his conduct.

My god I hope they did it well. Motion controls have been cursed with poor implementation and overuse during the Wii era, and have generally flown under the radar since then being stuck on the Wii-U. Having played a number of PC shooters with gyro aim, I honestly think it can be the biggest advancement ever for the

Gyro > Wii pointer imo. Far more comfortable and steady

I play this way on PC (Steam Controller) and I think it’s a thousand times better than those sorts of setups ever were

I don’t love or hate the gamecube controller, I just find it really frustrating. Great form with pointless shortcomings like the weird c-stick and relative lack of buttons

I WISH the first game was turn-based. Or realtime. Anything other than what it had would’ve been nice

Obviously I don’t know everything but impression I get here is that this situation could’ve been handled if HR had even just contacted this dude and said what was up. Seems like he genuinely misread their relationship. Instead they took the worst possible option. Wow.

Yeah us adults don’t play games for that kiddy stuff like playing with friends. We need to see high numbers and more polygons for more emotions when we press f to pay respects