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    @mrantimatter: They should have announced PlayStation Suite at MWC next month.

    @Captain K'nuckles: People are often misleaded that the more cores means that it will use more battery, in reality its the opposite.

    @GluttonousGamer: Most of the people complained about the 3DS battery because the original DS had a very long battery life, it was a benchmark.

    @KichiGuy: Luckiliy enough, Yes. Kaz Hirai said that details into that will be announced at E3 and are not ready for todays announcement

    Battery life?

    They should call it PlayStation Bag instead

    Quad core????

    UHH whats taking Kid Icarus so long?

    Hardware Acceleration...


    Now playing

    @narutogameking: Have you already seen Dead or Alive, Resident Evil Revelations, Merceneries, Metal Gear Solid 3? They all look better than some of their PS2 counterparts.

    Bad luck guys

    @narutogameking: The 3DS has two CPUs, more RAM, a better GPU and can run the MTFramework Engine.

    @samosir: Shh! dont ruin my moment. pretend its still 2

    Box 1:

    2 words

    @WillyG15: Nothing has been confirmed yet, there were even more rumors that they used the latest 2010 model and underclocked it a bit to conserve battery.

    @WillyG15: the PICA200 is not "5 years old technology" it is a series of processors which was introduced in 2006 and they have updated models every 2 years.