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    It was looking for an escape so it could transform into a Autobot

    @USB_Humping_Dog: ITV is a much bigger name now than compared to the iPhone before apple even annouced it

    That is a really bad mockup...

    @Dr-Rockso: Engadget are the ones who have already seen it so it is more likely that their mockup is the one who will look the most similar.

    The sky is also blue to anyone that didn't know

    @kobeashi: it's a launch title, so expect it to be released alongside the 3DS

    @PSWii2008: I think Sakurai's slider is jammed

    Do you have to pay for this one?

    They're ok, as long as there is a noticeable jump from the original DS, which there is.

    Failure, it isn't dead. They are still selling them through Vodafone.

    You call $199 for Kinect + Sports a deal?

    @The Donut Pirate: Oh a Nexus Two is definitely coming, Eric Smidt just said just not yet, it's far two early as the Nexus One is still fairly capable, as it is just as powerful as today's high end android phones

    But I thought Google Maps Navigation just came to mainland Europe and Canada recently?

    @KingofCandlesticks: The wii mote bumper wasn't a necessity, it was to ensure protection, unlike the iPhone 4 which is a totally different story

    Well that was a waste :/

    @tk.: Or maybe the 1,690,650 people who didn't call couldn't because they didn't have any signal.

    Taken from the Q&A:

    Seriously, Apple how low can you get?