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    Well, it is understandable with the 3D viewing angle for bigger screens,

    Just got a Dell Netbook, extremely please with it.

    @MrTonks: lol I get what you mean but put it in a perspective that it is the successor to the DS and the 'DS' in '3DS' means something else

    The chocobo obviously

    I still have the free beta and it's still working (not that I am giving any hint)

    Is it normal for me to be the only one who follows Kotaku and generally likes gaming out off all my friends?

    @Sleet: Heck even Kaz Hirai (Sony) thinks it's cool.

    @MrTonks: This won't be your first DS because this isn't even a DS.

    @razerangel: The PSP Go never got this amount of praise, heck I don't even think they know what it is over in Japan.

    Funny, despite the Cover title is Kid Icarus there isn't any article about it...

    I am so going to win this..

    Spore for PC had so much potential, I don't know why but it became extremely boring.

    Does this affect the side games on PSP/3DS?

    It doesn't necessarily have to be a phone. it can just be a data service like the iPad 3G for example.

    @robelirobban: Agreed, I love the fact that it searches through your history quite quickly when you type in the URL bar, the problem with Chrome's one that it automatically goes for search suggestions when you type in a word which can be a hassle if you going to a frequently used page

    @robelirobban: Agreed, I love the fact that it searches through your history quite quickly when you type in the URL bar, the problem with Chrome's one that it automatically goes for search suggestions when you type in a word.

    So far so good...

    SSBB ftw