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    My one didn't make it....*cries*

    Smash for 3DS please.......ok after Kid Icarus THEN can we get one?

    I like my devices naked...

    Yes.. and it will be renamed Kinnectophiles.

    longcat is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooon...

    Which is the whole reason why they made the 3DS, they can't see the effect with an eye patch.

    Google You?

    That's okay, we will remain headless and naked for a while...

    Oh the irony....

    To be honest, it would be worth the wait.

    Wingardium Leviosa!!!

    @clervius: Any time this week or day. No official date

    @ddhboy: I didn't mean what are the new features for froyo (I already knew them) I mean what were the improvements made specifically for the Nexus One. The leaked version wasn't final and Google stated that final build will have a few new improvements.

    Nexus One OTA please!! I wonder what are the new features...

    Analog postion was fine IMO, move it down and you will lose center of gravity.

    It's a shame we can't listen to Justin Beiber while playing Kinnectanimals

    Ok now that youve learnt your lesson, don't make the same mistake with the 3DS...