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    @GitEmDoneSteveDave: All right all right stop bombarding me with links it's not like you won anything.... The gallery was hidden anyway, and isnt in order..

    Soo.....where are the other 49?

    @Godfail: That is also a considering factor however here in London the iPad ads are everywhere

    I've got to hand it to Apple's impressive marketing

    Art style is very original

    Glad they actually relize that.

    In Keiji Inafune's interview, he has mentioned that he has been waiting so long for a handheld as powerful as the 3DS. That is one reason why there werent that many RE games on the DS because of the graphic limitations.

    "Blu-ray Player: LG BD570


    Sony must feel really stupid as a $200 handheld would revolutionize this whole 3D thing rather than their actual TV's

    @NoHoldsBarred: Which is funny because all of the launch games are using kinect only, you cant use a controller with it.

    How will this know when I will swing, what if it detects it when i randomly flick my arm.

    I wonder what the game cases would look like.

    @fuchikoma: Do take note that they have also stated that there will be higher capacity cards in the future, it's only 2GB at launch.

    Now playing

    I don't really care what processor it uses or how many gigapixels it calculates, all I know for sure that the graphics will be sweet.