Because being highly intelligent does not preclude being a heinous asswipe.
A lot of brilliant people have been highly fucked up. Intelligence is no sign of being a decent human being.
Are you living in the same culture I am where more white people are upset about someone not standing for the flag than they are about black people being murdered in the street? Are you living in the same world I am where white people feel that black people need to seek their approval for the “appropriate” method of…
But then, black people didn’t own white people as personal property, rape and beat them with impunity, fight a 4 year war costing hundreds of thousands of lives to continue to own, rape, and beat white people, then after that was was lost create laws and customs designed belittle, hamper, and disadvantage white…
This bait is not rank enough.
I read this news elsewhere but then saw the Jez headline in my newsfeed. I was like, well, probably should go do some flagging. Sigh.
The trolls are out in force. Please flag and dismiss.
“he said to his staff member who was standing there, ‘Did you know she was in Congress?’ And she said, ‘Well, I saw her pin.’”
Just an observation I’ve made as I’ve gotten older, to certain types of men women over a certain age are pretty much invisible. Ryan seems like exactly that type of guy.
Ok, he loved watching football, but he dedicated his life to the library. So throw the football team $100,000 and give the $1 million (minimum) to the library?
He threatened to open up libel laws. That’s actually a huge one. This morning he blamed free speech/expression for terrorism.
This is incredibly gross. The reality is they won’t have any issues finding a donor for that stadium project if they wait a few years but libraries almost NEVER receive such donations.
If it were Martin Sheen, that would kill me worse than Hanks, though he fits the description. But if it’s Sheen, I’m giving up on everything.
Seriously I am so over these people and their moral purity. I want to shake them. Even if they’re privileged enough that for practical purposes Trump and Clinton would have equivalent impacts on their lives, the same is not true for vulnerable populations, especially immigrants and refugees.
I’m still running into people who are voting 3rd party in Ohio because “Trump and Hillary are equally bad.” We’re a fucking swing state, and people’s constitutional rights are on the line, but they, in the immortal words of Sam Bee, insist on remaining “morally pure” (have have the fucking PRIVILEGE to do so).
In his memoir, Corey Feldman said Haim told him someone raped him on the set of Lucas. So I thought of Charlie Sheen (who is in that film), and then laughed because lmao at him being a family man. And then I thought: Martin Sheen...and I was like faaaaaark.
“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”
Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.