They’re asking people to vote on whether they believe someone was the victim of sexual abuse?? What possible useful information is this supposed to garner? Are they also asking about other alleged crimes? Fuck.
They’re asking people to vote on whether they believe someone was the victim of sexual abuse?? What possible useful information is this supposed to garner? Are they also asking about other alleged crimes? Fuck.
When my ex had an affair the fact that he didn’t use condoms was what put the nail in the coffin of our marriage.
Great. Now can they work on unionizing adjunct faculty in colleges and universities?
I too fall asleep to Forensic Files. Or Mugshots. Or any crime documentary. I have no idea why, but I sleep really well when I fall asleep to shows like that. Last week I fell asleep while my daughter and I were watching Shrek (shut up, she just did Shrek the Musical) and I had like three nightmares.
I love how the trolls are giving you shit for saying this. I mean, we do need to talk about this. Every time women try to have a conversation about men committing violence, an army of little trolls descends and points out that “women kill too” and “not all men are violent.” OKAY but a lot of them fucking are and we…
I’m too old to put up with shitty male behavior. I’m sorry, I’ve just had it. The catcalling, the violence, the entitlement, the leaving the seat up, all of it. If you can’t behave like a decent human being, you can get the fuck out.
You know, I hadn’t really thought about it in terms of an abuse cycle in that family. That’s a really good point.
That is literally what my friend’s parents did to her when she got pregnant in high school (in Nebraska). The baffling part is that it’s exactly what she did to her daughter when she got pregnant at 19.
Yep, judging by the comments on the Facebook page of my local (red state) tv station. It’s just baffling how much they love this guy.
Excellent response, and I’m sorry that happened to you. I love how men on this comment thread (and in real life) come here to whine at us about how we need to change how we act/react to being approached by MEN. If you guys want things to improve, start calling other men out on their shitty male behavior.
They should call it Miller LONG Life, amirite?
Well I’m technically from Providence, so we were maybe neighbors at some point and that’s good enough for me.
Wait, do you mean New England or Nebraska? Because if you are in Nebraska, I am going to have to meet you.
Well for sure being Rick Santorum is a choice. It’s a choice he makes every day.
I think it definitely could play into it. My mirroring of my best friend’s speech patterns is so pronounced that my son can tell if I’ve talked to her recently.
Oh god, I know, right?? It’s so oppressive to actually expect men to act like decent human beings! Don’t you just long for the days when you could just grab some broad’s ass because you liked the look of it? When you could say what you wanted to women because they didn’t have the power to call you out on it?
I keep reading the name as “Curiously Larger,” which I don’t think is what they’re going for.
I will never understand why people own sunglasses that are expensive enough that their theft would be a felony. I guess it’s because I lose or break mine so much that I buy them at the dollar store, but still.