Tyler D 67

Just wow.... How could someone be so cruel to a child.. I really hope this guy gets what’s coming to him...

Why would someone tell the cops he has a weapon and than reach for it to harm the cop? The defense makes zero sense in the first place. The fact that it is being reported like it’s a logical defense should tell all of us how this will be handled.;

I’m calling it now the jury will buy the “I was scared for my life because I pulled over a scary blackman” argument” officer numb nuts will be put right back on the street where he can screw up more people’s lives by panicking when he thinks he is on danger.

Why do citizens have to die becuase the polcie are hiring people not fit to do a dangerous job. Most people who are going to shoot you are not going to inform you they are carrying a fire arm unless the are a responsible gun owner who has licecense to carry. If the cop was so scared aske him to step out the car and

How about having officer over aggressive cool his heels behind a desk so that you can handle things diffrently. One would think DC police have more improtant things to do than arrest people over noice violations.

Mahr like sleeping with black women so he figures he knows black people now. Their is a diffrence between conservative racists and liberal racists. Liberal racist might not think they as a race are better than you but they think you need their help to achieve things. Low expectations is what it’s called.

Bill Mahr goes full racist on Muslims all the time, is it really a wonder that he doesn’t just do it with one ethnic group. Also as far as the N word is concerned I have worked in a lot of insitutions with Jewish People and italian people and have been around when they amongst themselves call each other the K word W

Freaking trust fund babies born on third base thinking they hit a tripple.... This is america if you act like an arse you get treated like one...

Guess I should be thankful I made it throught the 80's and the worse I did was a Shag

because obviously they are not very competent. How a special needs kid wondering off turns into a shoot out and an interigation makes me wonder if the officers involved were special needs themselves.

Oh good lord is that woman sexy.

Liberals can be racist too. I’ve watched him sat racist things about Muslim people fir quite a while now. No surprise here. Just cause a white guy likes having sex with black women does not mean he is down for the cause.

Well the bright side is now maybe Sammy Sosa will date her.... But Yikes she went full Michael Jackson on the Plastic Surgery.... Never go full Michael

So he wasn’t drunk but so high on priscription drugs he was asleep with his car running I feel much better about it...not this is probably worse than if he had a drinking problem opioid addiction is not good

Just a younger version of Mann Coulter, her 15 min’s are about up their will be another younger blond conservative doing the same stuff very soon.

Hate crime?!?!? Just give that scum the death peanlty...

I turn on Fox once in awhile just to see what the racist view of current events are. As far as this young lady is concerned she seems like she is under no illusionsions about Fox. Hopefully she doesn’t let them use her as a black face for the racism they are spouting like Juan!!!

Makes you want to smack someone when they say blue lives matter. When is the last time someone shot and killed a police officer on video went to court and was not convicted....

Good Riddence Ailes was a Skid mark on America’s underwear.

So I’m sure all these fine officers don’t act racist to black motorists they pull over.