Tyler D 67

a 24 year old from like Idaho who has all these strong opionions about stuff she has never encountered. But hey she is pretty.. Can’t wait for her to start complaing about how liberals don’t tolerate people with diffrent opionions unlike conservatives.

Exactly, no need to protest the police department actually handled it and got rid of two bad cops.

ha Ha Morally stunted Keebler Elf...If you catch an officer lying you better go through all of their arrests not just the pending ones.

I remember her on real world all those years ago. Seems her maturity level is about the same as when she was a teenager. Something is seriously wrong with her mentally.

Thoughts and prayers To Charlie’s family, he will be missed and man was he funny.

Oh the best part of this story is that officer was just put back on the streets after he just got off for killing another suspect in a suspect case. Yeah this guy doesn’t have aggression problems.

You would have to know a Hoteps to understand. Basically it’s someone who uses manufactured facts made up by people with questionable credentials to support their world view. And no matter how many times you prove to them their facts are BS they cling to their facts and say your the one being minipulated.

I see nothing wrong with saying a person might have got a job because of fame. Now arguments from both sides have valid points Magic has been a hugely successful business man for over 20 years is a great counter to the faifailures he gas had. What I take issue with is Key playing the race card that’s dumb. Le Batard

She better eat her Wheaties, I will never forgive.her for not stepping down when she could have been replaced by a younger justice.. now we are praying an 80 something year old with one foot on a banner peel can last at min 4 years so the supreme court isn’t tilted to the far right for the next 20 years.

This article was all that. I went to college with a bunch of Hoteps. That were moving to the motherland after they graduated. If you asked them what country they would just get mad and tell me I’m lost... now I work in an office with a bunch of Trumpets Who claim Trump would have won the popular vote but a whole bunch

As someone who has dated interracial I saw it come from both sides white and black. However it seems that most think it should be excepted by the black community and it’s excused when a white person says something. Stop acting like the “old white women” saying something to you is any different than a black male who

At the end of the day we all see ourselves as an individual. In America I’m labeled black because of my skin color. Its interesting that Ms Steele complains about white people thinking she is the nanny when they see her with her kids but it doesn’t bother her as much as black people who call her out for what she is.

Who cares what happened to this guy. Society is better off anyway

Can we stop calling Jerry Jones a new school guy, he has been in the NFL longer than Kraft and his fingerprints are all over the growth of the NFL in the 90's and 2000's; anyone remember when he and Pat Bowlen got those big time television contracts in the 90's. I would say he is part of the old guard now and he is a

Here we are at another anniversary of a Bush screw up.

I wasn’t a Dixie Chick fan, but after they did that i made sure to buy their albums and even went to my first country concert when they came to my area. Author of this article is right we need to thank them for being one of the first to speak out against the worse mistake in US history.

That’s the exact kind of cop NYPD should be trying to keep off the force he makes them all look bad. That was beyond stupid, what ever happened to “I’m officer so and so from the NYPD fraud division you need to come with me sir”. Instead of just tackling the guy on hard cement.