A Busted Posey


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Romney takes it. Don't worry I majored in this stuff.

Its a comment about how ESPN will now avoid soccer like it does Hockey causing soccer to lose the momentum it has now with growing viewership.

As a hockey fan all I can say is, Sayonara soccer we hardly knew thee.

I think I would have to go with the NHL. Large Canadian block with normal names, and get to avoid silly made up names. And Finnish, eastern block, and Russian names aren't terrible.

Not a show but if I ever stumble upon "Mean Girls" on the TV you can bet I'm not changing the channel.

So is the iTeam being deployed to figure out what is going on with the Marlin's fan that's been behind home plate for both games?

I'm starting to think somebodies may have been hitting the sauce while discussing the Yankee game.

So Bradford took that hit then ran right to his computer to write this game recap. Maybe somebody should check on him then. Optimistically confused?

I wouldn't expect Kentucky Basketball to spend any money on football recruiting.

They are totally getting laid tonight!

In the slow-mo you can see the ball is coming up meaning it has already bounced in fair terrortory. The bounce appears to be before the bag meaning where the ball was when it passed the bag as the determining factor.

Contrary to how it may appear every scene from this video was shot during an A's game.

Pro Tip: don't tell anyone of these people to sit down.

What the hell is going on at Sounders games? They have standing sections, sitting only sections, and just regular sections?

This is a fun way to break a phone when it rings or vibrates itself off of the shelf.

Hello Mr. Lee,

So the Deadspin FFL that I created will be drafting this Tuesday at 8:30 Eastern or 5:30 Pacific (your choice). No open spots sorry this is just an update for those already in the league that maybe haven't checked in for a while.

Ok Email sent. now you can [redact] your last comment.

Yes that is how it is used. But a strict translation is that it means "it was nothing/ of nothing."