A Busted Posey

Bad Golf DUAN!

Green light!..............Red light!...Green Light!

That change happened after 2010. I was really confused this year when my passes from behind the net didn't result in a one-time goal 65% of the time.

MLB The Show is a must with the PS3 (if you like baseball games, course), if only you play it for all of us 360ers stuck with MLB 2K12

My cousins once trapped one of their cats in a closet and left for a week long trip to Hawaii. I noticed the cat to be missing when I went over to feed it but didn't open or close any doors while checking for it. Anyways when they got back they found the cat in the closet alive and well without any piss or feces to be

Wrong about the Warriors, they have plans to move to SF (with the cities support so far) and their attendance numbers makes a move seem to be a bad decision.

Bikini Barbers on HDNet anyone? or really anything on HDNet.

I don't know what it is but something about the Blues uni's make me think they are not from St. Louis.

Oh that's what my grandma was calling all confused about.

Ha! Now that's a good one.

I might know of a few about an hour and a half north. Actually you seem like a really cool guy to surprise my friends with (I don't really like my friends).

A confused Buster Posey was seen wondering around New York muttering to himself, "They just keep hitting me, no one ever told me they could touch me like that."

Also announced today, for helping to lure Manning to Denver, the Rocky Mountain Oyster will be sold at all Bronco home games this season.

Golden State Tragedy would be a good person to ask about Davis.

The students there really like picnics. I mean who in there right mind has a day to celebrate picnics?

Watchmen's use of music is really phenomenal. The Credit sequence with "The Times are a Changing" is one of the best credit sequences ever.

Overtime playoff hockey in the SJ Sharks @ STL Blues game.

Worst part is the job was going to be my excuse for missing the Holidays. All my plans just fell apart. Guess who wont be moving to the "California Riviera."

Shake It

I am starting to get the feeling you could write a book titled The Easy Way to Stop Jerking Off.