I don't know about you, but I am incredibly aroused!
I don't know about you, but I am incredibly aroused!
Randy "The Big Unit" Johnson.
If he is talking about it a lot he is most likely going to re-activate his account.
Dog-piles after hockey games with ice skates on is something I always find exciting.
Those Progressive commercials are really getting aggressive.
You know diving is a serious problem when fake injuries start becoming real.
Some worry how the Rex Ryan, Tim Tebow relationship will work out, but they really shouldn't worry because foot-jobs like totally don't count. Right? Right?
That's not Jesus, That's obviously Fireman Ed bungee jumping (upside down of course). Once again a big to-do about nothing.
Williams did a bad. Williams gets a suspended.
And I'm an idiot.
Goodell sends so many messages he is now ordered by the court to stay 100 yards away from all his exes.
Most A's fans are not bothering to learn how to pronounce his name. Rather they are focusing on trying to learn the names of the prospects he will surely get traded for in July.
"Ginger went on a fouling rampage" That reminds me of a time when Henrik...or wait was it Daniel...oh well just forget it.
Minority owner? Is that really still the PC way of saying that?
How often do you have to wear jeans until people start calling you 'Jean Guy."
Just a freak of nature! Don't worry Alex Smith will lead us to the promise land, unless that is on an out-route then we will end up a couple yards short.
Just got to be mean its the only thing that will work.
You just have to stop rooting for the Dolphins. It shouldn't be that hard.
So which one is it Lew Alcindor, Kareem Abdul Jabar, or Roger Murdock?
When attesting to his character, his coach was quoted as saying, "He's a really good kid, never done anything like this before. It's all just a flute."