
Saw this at a press-preview a week before it opened, and as the lights went down, I thought that it was sad that Verhoeven was now doing cheezy american action films. I saw it in the theater 5 more times. It was Network for the Reagan era.


And and the spit take is going to be yours when you see the first years sales figures for that beached catfish. I actually like the looks of this thing.

Let’s follow this story out for a couple of years. I guarantee you his union will go to bat for him and get him some kind of severance, and that water balloon filled with mayonnaise, will get a cushy job somewhere else. I can see some cracker in Raleigh-Durham looking at this footage and saying something to the effect

Mishima is my all time favourite. Saw it at the Egyptian Theatre in Seattle in 1985, and it has stayed on top ever since.

Now playing

When your electric shit-wagon is built like this...

Beleaguered white males, with little social mobility or grace, are always ready to start shit.

Build a cool car in-house and sell it for Corvette money. Oh wait, they don’t make cars, cool or otherwise, anymore.

Self-righteous Seattlites will have more glass area to put dog rescue, Jill Stein 2020 and anti-Bezos stickers on the backs of these monstrosities. People that buy these things are stupid.

July 1991, I’m standing outside after my local bar closes at 2 AM. I’m at the Eastlake Zoo Tavern in Seattle Washington, and a dude pulls up to a stop light in a light blue 1963 Plymouth Valiant wagon. He then proceeds pull a shotgun up from his passenger seat and pointed at me and two other friends. I ran faster than

Little euro-car things. Had to fix an electronic bug in the right rear door. The sunroof needed a seal adjustment. The main thing is that you have a great dealer.

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All I could think of while reading this article. My uncle Maury drank gallons of that rot gut.


I work from home, and my office window looks out on the little beast, it’s hard not to stare. We’ve only had it 9 months. We are waiting another couple months to get an xc40. My wife test drove that couple of days ago and we absolutely love it.

We love ours.

The whole point of the SL was to show the world that you had finally landed in a place of comfort and had a quietly confident outlook on your remaining years on this planet. Now, the men I see driving the recent generations of this vehicle, look like extras from a Cialis ad. They are the kind of boomers that spend

Tesla is going to be broken-up like a Snow Crab at a Korean BBQ. Cars will go to Toyota or VAG, rockets will go to Boeing or Lockheed.

I worked at Tower Books in Seattle from 1987-91. We would get 2 of these from our distributor. One went to me, and the other went to Sir Mix-a-lot. He was a true Jalop.

My favorite one.

One electric skateboard for 60,000 or 275,000. VAG is going to kill with this con.