
My first new car was a 2000 Passat GLX wagon. The dealer called me to come down and drive the new W-8. I couldn’t wait to drive off in a new 8 cylinder VW! Got behind the wheel, mashed the pedal, and...nothing. I could not see much of a reason for an upgrade. The thing felt like a Buick 225 with a better interior.

Philly is going to look like a Cormac McCarthy novel if they beat the Pats.  

As an old white guy, I am as bewildered as you are.

Now playing

Saw this with my dad at the Midway drive-in theater in South Seattle. I was immediately vexed by this otherworldly coupe from France. It set me off on my never-ending quest for the willfully obscure. Love the SM.

You youngsters have no clue as to how big a deal that car was. A buddy of mine went from a early 80's 280Z to an 87 Accord Lx, and instantly became a chick magnet. Women loved him in that car. They thought he was a creep in the Z.

It was East Coast dirt-ball versus West Coast dirt-ball. Looks like the final round goes to the West Coast. Just because Nancy had a better T-zone and wore Vera Wang, and Tonya looked like the product of Pringles and Terryton 100s, people assumed that Nancy came from some patrician family. Nothing could’ve been

One of my favorite cars.

My first newish car was a six month old 1990 Suzuki Swift four-door. That thing was unkillable. The apocalypse could hit, the Russians could finally push the big red button, Jesus could come back on a flaming donkey, throwing lightning bolts and five minutes later, that little car would still turn over. I gave it to a

Go Hawks!

The Dollop. The greatest podcast of all time.

Bought my first book from Mr Bezos in 1999. And not only have I never had a real issue with any purchases, but any queries made to C/S have been the most efficient and satisfying interactions I have with a company. They make Nordstrom look like the DMV.

No way. Sounders.


Soon to be piloted by a sleep-deprived Eritrean, driving drunk tech-bros to the airport.

Seattle is going to be absolutely covered in these torpid contraptions. Tailgates will be billboards for dog rescue volunteering, Jill Stein 2020 and Voodoo Doughnut stickers. I’m a liberal Democrat and these things make me want to vote Republican.

K-Mart, 1972-1981, South Seattle. I can still smell the popcorn, Congoleum and the slow death of the American middle-class.

After taxes, and let’s just guess they are like most Americans, and are shitty with money, it’s really not that much. My mom’s bestie got a settlement from a bad car accident, and blew 250,000 on fucking bingo. Took her 3 years.

Mulholland Drive FTW. The seven year old me was scared shitless by this scene. My dad had no idea what Jaws even was, and I was really into sharks, and wanted to see it. https://youtu.be/xO60RohuARY

Sounded like a bit from Mr. Show.