
I don’t disagree one bit but you get used to it/into the bad habit in the pharmacy biz. It’s a little better than it has been in the past, but they really do need an umbrella aside from ‘controlled substance’. Narcotic shouldn’t really be it, but opioids/benzos/codeine/ultram/etc doesn’t really cut it either. I’d go

Most stuff (*legally this isn’t medical advice, yay) is either just contraindicated or presented as a proper category C/category N type ‘we aren’t sure’/’we don’t know’ (obviously the categories are for pregnancy not breastfeeding, but just generally borrowing the paradigm). Since controlled studies are only really

“All other contaminates” (and substances, which rightfully wasn’t your wording but is being thrown around this thread like crazy) would arguably include things like teratogenic medications, no? Except there are teratogenic medication that do not pass into breastmilk even if they do cross the placenta. And even

Technically narcotic means almost nothing (drug that makes you sleepy - antihistamines now narcotic y/y) as you rightfully point out. So yes, my post is about opiods mostly.

The rules that apply to alcohol DO NOT apply to all other substances/’contaminants’. It’s no wonder the crazy lactivist culture (not to mention anti-science culture, but that’s another rant entirely) we now live in has everyone harassing new mothers to get off of their medications so they can breastfeed.

(Legal) narcotics aren’t inherently incompatible with breastfeeding, they just require more evaluation and monitoring.

Not even kinda sorta true that breast milk is like blood for ‘everything else’.