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    I don’t care how much meat you eat.

    “No. It is not. It is about power an dominance.”

    1. A pedophile has cravings that society has deemed immoral. If he acts on those cravings, he is considered a danger. Vegans crave flavor, not the meat itself. There is no alternative for a pedophile because sexually abusing a physical child is the point. The actual flesh isn’t the point of a vegan. It’s not the

    Surely you do not eat meat only for nutrients. I imagine you eat quite a bit simply for pleasure. Americans eat so much meat, most of the protein and iron is pissed out.

    “People that do not have morals are not deterred by laws.”.

    Oh I got it. Many high schoolers have been making that joke since the 90s. Incredible stuff.

    There was a time when people didn’t think a man could rape his wife. In the US, up until recently actually. Slavery was accepted at one time, smoking indoors (like in planes) was accepted. Considering veganism is on the rise and animal agriculture is a leading cause of global climate change, you may be standing on the

    It’s common for victims to orgasm during rape.

    I can’t stand PETA. Your comment wasn’t about PETA though, it was about eating meat and the people who don’t.

    Simulating the practice would be some mock slaughter of animals.

    Rape wasn’t always a criminal offense. Also, in the United States, a man could rape his wife up until the 70's. It was actually considered rape. Does that mean rape was ok until the law caught up with morality?

    Someone said something funny? I just see a lot of self-absorbed, elitist asses making a lot of thoughtless comments.

    I see you’re not willing to debate the point. Is a philosophical discussion too difficult for you?

    People orgasm during rape. Both the attacker and the victim. Doesn’t that count as feeling good?

    Exactly what is the ‘span of awful things’. What specifically are you referring to?

    “Yes, you did.”

    You’re proud that you like to attempt to belittle others? You’re a beautiful person.

    Pragmatism? Like voting over 60 times to repeal Obama’s health care plan despite never once ever putting forward an alternative plan?

    If you didn’t give a shit, you wouldn’t be annoyed. If you weren’t giving us attention, you literally never would have commented let along continue to respond to me.

    I love the intelligence. Give me more! Your life is so meaningful.