I mean, being fair, there probably isn’t any answer he could’ve given in this interview that would change views positively in his favor. But this is still a pretty jaw-dropping response to the question.
I mean, being fair, there probably isn’t any answer he could’ve given in this interview that would change views positively in his favor. But this is still a pretty jaw-dropping response to the question.
and they found he hadn’t in another case. Huh. Guess actual courts should decided this then... you stupid fuck.
you are aware that the university basically found in favor of him in this, right?
If 3 women are accusing you, chances are you are a harrasser.
In Bennett’s case, Berkeley found that Wentworth “exhibited poor personal boundaries,” but did not violate university policy.
You shouldn’t sue the person who accuses you of obvious sexual harrassment.
wait... what? Why yuck? So you don’t believe that a person has a right to a defense in court?
According to the lawsuit, the campus Title IX office characterized his conversations about Burning Man and drug use in the context of lectures on utopianism as “unprofessional conduct,” and referred to his dog-walking on campus as “manipulative behavior.”
If kids are so life-changing, why do parents insist on doing all the stuff they used to do when they were free?
Going to sporting events, restaurants, my goddamn cookouts.
Stay home with these snotty, noisy monsters, I say.
“I disagree with one thing that the guy says, therefore everything he has said before or after that has made me uncomfortable is bullshit.”
nah, I’m good. Sorry bout your weird self-shame ;)
I had three roommates my freshman year, all people I’d never met before.
meh. I really got no problem with this
Hey that’s not true man, some of our best suburbs are Jewish!
he’s not from the US, so they get to ditch the xenophobia in the trade.
Usually they just ignore their contradictions entirely
How does the staff of Deadspin jibe their love of Conor with their disdain for every other racist troll on the planet?
you’re ignoring the fact that there are hundreds of thousands more black residents in Detroit and Atlanta than in Milwaukee. It’s not even close. Of course you’re going to have some trickling into other areas of those cities. But as a Latino who has lived in both Detroit and Milwaukee, and spends quite a bit of time…